Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tips For Surviving As A Corporate Refugee
by: Lora J Adrianse
In her book "Are You A Corporate Refugee", Ruth Luban associates "corporate refugees" with refugees who never intend to leave their home country. People who are uprooted from the familiar terrain, customs and native language they've known for a very long time.
From my own experience as a corporate refugee over the past year, I can validate that the sense of loss can be overwhelming at times. The loss of a secure income is significant in itself, but when it compounds with the loss of identity, structure and community, there are times when it's paralyzing.
Today, almost a year later, I proudly consider myself a Corporate Refugee who has successfully navigated the grueling journey and emerged with an amazing new sense of purpose and freedom! With that in mind, I offer you tips for surviving from my own experience.
Give Yourself Time To Heal
Acknowledge the fact that you have been thrown into a life changing experience. Before you can move toward the future it's important to resolve the past. Just as in the loss of a loved one, there are stages of grief you will need to deal with. Chances are you will feel denial, anger, bargaining, and depression before you get to acceptance. Expect it, accept it, and try to have the forethought to recognize where you are in the process.
Take Advantage Of Your New "Lack Of" Schedule
One of the greatest advantages you have right now is "time". Even though much of that time will be preoccupied with processing your thoughts, there are no boundaries around where and when you do that. Turn off your alarm, forget your bedtime and let your body reset it's own clock. On gorgeous days go out and explore during times you would have been working. Whether you're running your toes through the grass, sitting on the beach or running errands, you'll discover sights, sounds, and people you haven't experienced at that time before. Cold, rainy days are great for putting your nose in a good book, clearing out clutter and browsing great bookstores. Like it or not, your time is your own now, take advantage of it.
Soul Search And Rediscover Your Passions
This is NOT the time to make major life decisions, but it's a perfect time to re evaluate what is most important to you. When you were 10 years old, what was it you wanted to be when you grew up? If you went in another direction, is it time to explore that option now? What are your values, your needs, your personal boundaries? What is it that you love so much you get lost in time? What is it that makes you laugh until you wet your pants? What have you always wanted to do, but never had the chance? The time is right to explore these things about yourself.
Evolve Rather Than Revolve
This is a time of evolution for you, not a revolution. Based on what you're doing, or not doing, things will change. You'll think about and do things differently than you did before. Things that worked for you before will no longer work. You'll see things you didn't see before. Take time to "just notice" without judgment. It doesn't need to be about shoulds, coulds, good or bad. It just is, so just notice.
Let Go And Let Be
I'm a believer that we have the power to influence outcomes, but we can't control them. In other words, what will be will be. I also believe that the universe is constantly sending us messages. If you don't listen to the messages, you get to learn the lessons. Save yourself the frustration and struggle of trying to control outcomes.
Maintain Undeniable Faith
Even if it's not clear now, never lose faith in yourself or your abilities. Your past successes are validations that you have what it takes to navigate and emerge from this experience with a greater sense of understanding and appreciation.
Do You Know What a Didgeridoo Is? by: Jesse S.
Unlike Brown Trout which were originally introduced to the Eastern United States, Cutthroat Trout are originally from the Western half of the United States.What separates the Cutthroat Trout from other trout is that Cutthroat Trout are found primarily in remote and pristine locations. Unlike their larger cousins, the rainbows and the browns, Cutthroat Trout tend to fare poorly in highly competitive environments – especially when predatory fish like Pike are introduced into their waters.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
How to Find a Sitter For Your Dog
by: Katie Brandt
Whether your dog is old or a just a puppy, there will come a time when you have to out of town for business or a vacation where dogs aren't allowed. Therefore, you will need to leave your prized pet in the care of a pet sitter. Where can you find a pet sitter? What types of pet sitter services are available? How much will it cost to hire a pet sitter? These are some of the many questions that you need to answer before you hire a pet sitter.
You have two main options of where to leave your pet when you are away. You can take them to a boarding kennel or you can hire a pet sitter. By hiring a pet sitter it means that your dog will stay at your home and a pet sitter will visit your home several times per day to take care of your dog. The following questions and answers are geared toward those pet owners that decide to hire a pet sitter to take care of their dog.
Question #1: Where do I find a pet sitter? You can find a pet sitter through a number of means. Consult your veterinarian, groomer, and breeder for recommendations. Often times they know of a reliable pet sitter in your area or they can point you in the direction of pet sitter services. You can also check with your friends and family to see if they can refer you to a pet sitter. Word of mouth referral is a common way to find a pet sitter.
You can also take a trip to your local pet store or a chain pet store such as PETCO. Many pet sitters advertise their services at these places so you can find their contact information. The pet store owners and staff may know of a great pet sitter as well.
Another option is to call Pet Sitters International at (800) 268-SITS or check out their website at Pet Sitters International is the world's largest organization of pet sitters. Pet Sitters International is highly respected organization. They offer a multitude of services including finding a pet sitter based on your zip and giving advice on how to prepare your home for the pet sitter.
Also spend time researching information about the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters by calling them at (800) 296-PETS. You can peruse their website at Not only can you find a pet sitter based on your zip code, but you can find a "certified" pet sitter. They offer a certification program that ensures a pet sitter is knowledgeable about business management, animal care, and animal health issues. This type of certification can be a comfort in the event that your dog has a health problem.
Question #2: What type of tasks does a pet sitter do for you and your pet? A pet sitter is there to provide comfort, help, and care for your dog while you are away. They will visit your home on a daily basis to feed your dog, take them for walks, and let them out to go the bathroom. They can help your dog with any health ailments or continuing care such as medicines while you are away.
A pet sitter needs to be informed if your dog has any special needs. For example, your dog may be elderly and blind or deaf. Your pet sitter must know this so they can properly help your dog. Or your dog may be just a puppy and require more exercise then most dogs. Let your pet sitter know and they can increase the frequency of visits each day. The pet sitter should be able to work with your needs.
Your pet sitter will also take the responsibility of taking your dog to the vet if an accident occurs or the need arises. You need to let your pet sitter know how you want them to handle these types of situations and how to contact you in the event that this happens.
Question #3: How do I find the "best" pet sitter for my dog? Only you can determine the best pet sitter for your dog. Follow the same procedures you would as if you were hiring a babysitter for your children. Check out their references, interview them, and inquire about past work history. How do they interact with your dog? Speak to former or current clients to determine if they are right for you.
Also make sure the pet sitter has been certified and/or bonded and insured. Your dog's life is priceless so you definitely want a serious professional pet sitter to take care of your pooch.
Question #4: How much does a pet sitter cost? The cost of a pet sitter varies based on their experience, your location, the number of dogs you are leaving, and the level of care you need for the dogs. Some pet sitters charge on a per visit basis while others can work with you to determine a reasonable price. Make sure to have their scope of services and fees in writing. This will safeguard you against any miscommunication.
Question #5: How should I prepare my home and dog for the pet sitter? First of all, your dog needs to meet and get to know the pet sitter before you leave town. Have the pet sitter visit a few times until your dog is comfortable with their presence. You don't want to leave and suddenly have a new person show up to take care of your dog. Your dog may confuse the pet sitter for an unwanted stranger.
Provide emergency numbers of your veterinarian and also a number at which they can reach you. You want to make yourself available by phone in case an emergency pops up. Make sure your home is clean and the dog food bowls are clean. Speak with your pet sitter about feeding, walking and other pet care procedures first, but also leave all the directions in writing. Verify that this is plenty of dog food for the length of time you will be gone.
If you following these tips you will find the best pet sitter for your dog and have a comfortable time on your trip knowing your dog is in good hands.
Hanging around in Thailand by: Gary Mortimer Our trip to Thailand had been long awaited, originally planned for the winter of 94/95. My wife Karin had bought the maps and books and even packed; we were off.
Got Goals? by: Paul Shearstone Inspiration without application improves nothing, benefits no one and fans the flames of mediocrity! Â… Paul Shearstone 2002 2003Â….Got Goals? By Paul Shearstone Ask anybody on January 2nd 2003 if they have New Years Resolutions or goals and nine out of ten will say, "Yes!" ...Ask the same people about their resolutions three months later and they'll look at you like a small goat discovering a new fence for the first time. All good intentions aside, exhaustive studies have shown only 3% of the population engage in some form of goal-setting and only 1% on average, write them down.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Bingo – Good for the Mind?
by: John C. Thorenssen
When we think of bingo, genius and brainpower don't always spring to mind; these attributes have tended to be reserved for poker and other games of skill and luck. The image of a grandparent sitting in a community hall with a cup of tea and a card of bingo does not lend itself to the intrigue of psychology and mental agility. However, according to a study by the University of Southampton's Psychology Department, bingo may not be the trivial pastime many would take it for. Researchers there insist that bingo keeps the mind sharp and equate this as especially important to people as they get older.
The tests conducted revealed that bingo players were more accurate and faster in tests that measured memory, mental speed and their ability to absorb information from the environment around them, than those who did not play the game.
What seems to be the key advantage to the sustained playing of bingo is the concept of time. There is no doubt that games such as chess, poker and backgammon all stretch the mind and keep the brain functioning. Whereas the hand-eye coordination needed for bingo may not be as exhaustive as for other games, the time constraint in which players must check their numbers is key to the sustenance of mental agility.
The tests comprised of 112 people within the age brackets of 18 to 40 and 60 to 82. Half of each set played bingo. The results concluded that all bingo players were more accurate and quicker than non-players. Interestingly, in certain tests, the older players did better than the younger players. More and more research is supporting the theory that a regular partaking of activities that exercise the mind is very beneficial to the maintenance of optimum mental functioning as we get older.
Younger bingo players tended to be faster, but the older ones were more accurate. Many people have suggested that the reason people dismiss bingo as a "junior" gaming pastime is because we so often associate it with pensioners. The social stigma of bingo has kept it out of the major casinos and therefore reduced its respect amongst the "hipper" echelons of today's society.
Many would be led to conclude that the above study is simply out of proportion in the sense that a game of bingo is hardly a satisfactory workout for the mind in terms of endurance and mental skill. To an extent they would be right. But what the tests seem to be suggesting crucially, is that it is the prolonged or regular partaking in the game over a sustained period of time that will lead to cognitive benefits.
Then of course there are those who believe that any form of gambling being proclaimed to be beneficial to the mind is nothing short of an aberration. Whilst certainly milder in terms of the funds that change hands than other gambling games, bingo is still a game where one pays money to gain money and as such has been criticised from certain groups in society. However, the social aspect of the game cannot be overlooked and it is this type of play that would be encouraged to facilitate the mental benefits as concluded by the study described above.
In the UK, there are around three million bingo players. It is hoped that this study and the growing body of research around it will help to promote the game to those who otherwise would have written it off as something to be enjoyed with gardening, tea and everything else we assume people over the age of 65 suddenly develop a passion for.
This will give you an idea of the golf vacation that awaits you in Costa Rica. You will re-discover "no-hassle" tee times and the enjoyment of playing unhurried rounds of golf on courses designed by well known golf architects George Fazio, Robert Trent Jones, Jr., Ted Robinson, Jr., Mike Young and Tracy May.
Luckily, there are ways in which you can narrow down your options somewhat, making the whole thing a lot easier.First and foremost you should be considering one major factor..... How much space do you have? If you live in an apartment there is little point in getting a large dog that takes up a lot of room and may also need a lot of exercising.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Happiest Person In America: What'S Sex Got To Do With It?
by: David Leonhardt
Who is the happiest person in America? USA Today featured Happiest Person in a cover story in its USA Weekend magazine. Bad news: it's not you. Nor is it me.
Just how did they find Happiest Person and determine that he is indeed the happiest person in America? The USA Today research team appears to have used an elegantly simple three-step process.
First, they identified "the world's leading authority on happiness", Martin Seligman ... which must have come as a wee bit of a surprise to several of his equally well-known and equally well-respected peers. How they picked Seligman remains more of a mystery than how a land-locked nation of mountains and yodeling became home to the holy grail of yachting, but we are working feverishly to crack the code.
Next, they asked Seligman to name six principles of happiness. Seligman listed couple strengths, a win-win approach, savoring success, playing to one's strengths, opening doors to opportunity and finding meaning in life.
Finally, they applied Seligman's principles to determine who best matches them. Naawww, just kidding. That would make way too much sense. Instead, USA Today created a make-believe process of its own that stands out from Seligman's list like the Jolly Green Giant at a dwarf convention. Here is the USA Today process.
Geography. It seems that Happiest Person must live in the best place to live, which is Virginia Beach, in case you didn't know. If somebody even happier than Happiest Person lives in San Francisco or Vermont, the USA Today research team does not want to know.
Why confine their search to one town? Could geography be the secret to happiness that Seligman failed to mention? True, research does show that people living in free societies tend to be happier than others, but there is no evidence that where you live within the free world makes a difference.
Sex. Women are prone to higher emotional highs and lower emotional lows, whereas men are prone to more constant emotions. So Happiest Person must be a man, concludes USA Today. While the science does hit the bull's eye, the conclusion misses the barn wall. I suppose they'll be telling us that Seattle is the sunniest spot in America because the weather fluctuates less than in The Sunshine State.
Family. Happiest Person is married, has children, and is healthy. People with intimate relationships do tend to be happier, and marriage is a fairly good indicator (especially for men). And health is important. These may not be among Seligman's six principles, but let's not argue against good health.
Money. Happiest person has a "good, dependable job" as a stockbroker, a 2,300 square foot house (with an eat-in kitchen and a deck!). The truth comes out – money does buy happiness, according to the USA Today research team.
In fact, studies show that money makes a difference only if it elevates a person above the poverty level. When a person has means enough not to struggle for basic necessities, money rarely buys happiness.
Brand-awareness. This one must have made the big ad agency tycoons drool in their Corn Flakes. Happiest Person is for real because he likes all the right brands! He "digs" Coca-cola, so he must be the real thing. And he loves Craftsman tools and Dell computers. Say no more.
Where does the USA Weekend exposé leave the rest of us? If you are a little old lady enjoying retirement in Atlanta or a student conquering new fields of knowledge in Ann Arbor, you clearly are not happy enough for USA Today. But cheer up, even The Happy Guy eats "donuts" rather than "Krispy Kremes".
Depending on the area of Costa Rica you are in, the climate can differ dramatically. There are cool wet mountain ranges, rain forests, dry tropical forests, cloud forests, the very dry Pacific coast and the damp Caribbean coast.
Techniques of Wet Fly Fishing by: Brett Fogle Many anglers who are new to fly fishing consider dry fly fishing the "traditional" way of catching trout. Well, that's not entirely true.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Iranian-Canadians fear Iran could be using social media to spy
Many Iranian-Canadians have used the internet and cellphones to keep in touch with family during the turbulent post-election period in Iran, but some say they're also afraid the same technology could be used to monitor them.
Some Iranian-Canadians are calling for a boycott of Nokia Siemens Networks products because the company has provided the Iranian government with technology to spy on communications.
The country has reportedly blocked some communications and websites and has been following some types of communication with the help of call-monitoring technology created by the company, a merger of Siemens AG, based in Germany, and Finnish cellphone company Nokia Corporation.
Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, have been blocked, but some Iranians have been using proxy servers to access the sites.
Meradod Hariri, who speaks for the Committee for Solidarity with Iran, said he thinks the company should consider how its technology might be used by the Iranian government.
"I hope that Nokia Siemens joint venture will take the responsibility to recall the products and stop providing support to the Iranian regime," he said.
"We know right now this product is being used against the freedom of expression in Iran."
According to the Nokia Siemens Networks website, the company has provided the Iranian government with Lawful Intercept technology to monitor local voice calls within the country but does not monitor data, internet, international calls or perform speech recognition.
"Nokia Siemens Networks has not provided any deep-packet inspection, web censorship or Internet filtering capability to Iran," said the posting.
Deep-packet inspection can help block and monitor communication.
"In most countries around the world, including all EU member states and the U.S., telecommunications networks are legally required to have the capability for Lawful Intercept, and this is also the case in Iran," it said.
"Contrary to speculation in the media, the technology supplied by Nokia Siemens Networks cannot be used for the monitoring or censorship of internet traffic."
But Soghrai Jafari, who came to Canada 22 years ago, said she still worries about her family in Iran and their use of the internet to send news out of the country.
"We have to boycott [Nokia Siemens] for the Iran crackdown," she said.
Jafari said she doesn't think countries with questionable human rights records should be allowed this kind of technology.
"Basically, [Nokia Siemens] has a responsibility to ensure its technology is used in an ethical manner," she said.
Ron Deibert, the director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, which focuses on the convergence of technology and world politics, said the debate over the use of monitoring technology is an important one.
"There is no clear solution," he said.
"My own feeling right now is that there needs to be lot more awareness raised for the average person who takes for granted the technologies they use and doesn't think much about what goes on beneath the surface."
Deibert said that in order to protect
Domed stadium best for Roughriders: study
A government -sponsored concept study is recommending a domed stadium to replace Regina's Mosaic Stadium, home to the CFL's Saskatchewan Roughriders.
The cost of such a facility is estimated at $350 million, says the $70,000 report that was released early Monday.
The concept review was ordered by the Saskatchewan government to look at options for the aging home of the Roughriders. The study also considered a number of less expensive options.
The least-expensive option is to undertake minor repairs to the open-air facility, at a cost of between $1 million and $6 million.
Bill Shupe of W. Shupe & Co., one of the consultants who authored the study, said it makes sense to have a facility that can be used year-round.
"Having a facility you can use 12 months of the year, that can generate much more economic impact, have a much far-reaching impact across Regina and across Saskatchewan; we just felt it was the more viable option to look at."
Study will take place
The province, city, and the Roughriders have now ordered a $1-million feasibility study on construction of a domed stadium.
That study is due in January.
The Saskatchewan Party government of Premier Brad Wall has said a new stadium is not a top priority and that any new facility would require significant private-sector involvement.
Saskatchewan Crown Corporation Minister Ken Cheveldayoff said Monday that no commitments have been made beyond the study.
"In January 2010, we'll have all the information in front of us," he said. "All the partners will sit down, we'll look at it and in light of the means of the province and the federal government, we'll make decisions on that basis. And at that point or some point thereafter we'll encourage the involvement of the private sector as well."
Cheveldayoff said if the stadium is built no money will come from the province's general revenue fund. He said there are other ways to fund the project.
"There's options. We have the corporations, we have the gaming corporation.… But again, it's much too early to speculate on how that's going to be looked at. First we have to know what the cost is, then we have to know what partners are involved."
Fort McMurray Tories question Boutilier's removal

Some members of the Conservative party in Fort McMurray want answers from Premier Ed Stelmach about his decision to remove their MLA, Guy Boutilier, from the Conservative party caucus.
The premier dumped Boutilier during a telephone call on Friday because of comments the MLA had made about long-term care in the oilsands city.
On CBC Radio Monday morning, Boutilier said he has asked the premier for a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue because he fears the premier's decision was made based on misinformation.
"Do the right thing, meet with me and hear all the facts, and then if he wants to make that decision in front of our caucus then I accept that," Boutilier said.
The Tory constitutency association in Fort McMurray held a meeting Sunday, and president Iris Kirschner said Boutilier is encouraging members to stay with the party and resist the temptation to resign.
Why was this decision made?
"Two days ago I would have never imagined that this would have happened, so right now it's very important that we do speak with our premier and get an understanding of where do we go from here, Kirschner said.
"What can we expect in the future, what options are open to us and why was this decision made?" she said.
Many people in Fort McMurray were already disappointed that Boutilier was not re-appointed to cabinet last year when Stelmach shuffled the front benches, she said.
Boutilier was speaking out on behalf of his constituents and should not be fired, she said.
"I would say that right now people are just really disappointed in many of the decisions that have been made in regards to Fort McMurray ... we were at least one of 72 PC MLAs, now we have one independent, Kirschner said.
The association wants to meet with the premier to find out why this happened and whether Stelmach will consider changing his mind.
How To Discover And Prevent Aquarium Fish Illness
by: John Gorecki
Aquarium fish fall ill just like any other pet. The illnesses are as a result of disease. The common diseases that affect aquarium fish are mostly stress induced.
The micro-organisms which cause these diseases may be present in the water as part of the normal micro fauna and grab the opportunity to infest or infect the fish when it is stressed and its normal defense are weakened.
Different ways aquarium fish suffer from stress
- Aquarium fish usually start experiencing stress starting from the time it's about living the breeding farm till when the end purchaser finally picked it from retailer. Most beginners don't really know how to handle fish.
- The quality of water is another cause of aquarium fish stress. Different fish species have different water quality that will make the environment conducive for them. Quality parameters like pH, water hardness, high nitrite and carbon dioxide level, low dissolved oxygen salinity of water, water temperature and others.
- Any change in environment like physical damage, leaches, lice and introduction of new fish that is not quarantine could lead to stress in aquarium, thus making life non conducive for fish in aquarium tank
- Change in weather condition is another factor that leads to aquarium fish stress. When there is heavy downfall as you know the weather will become cold and this could lead to stress in aquarium.
- Poor Diet as a result of lack in nutritional requirement always leads to poor performance in fish immune system. Fish immune system will struggle to operate efficiently. This will result in a stressed fish.
Warning signs of illness in aquarium fish
You can easily know when your fish are going through stress if you watch them very well and often. You will notice signs like fish swimming with clamps up (closed) in their fins, hovering in a corner, heavy breathing and fish brushing its body against objects. These are warning signs you need to act on immediately.
How to reduce stress in aquarium
To reduce stress in aquarium, you need to guide against factors that lead to stress. The following are tips on how to prevent stress that ultimately leads to illness:
- Make sure you have detail information about the fish species that you will be introducing to your tank. Enquiring about its requirements before you buy it will help you a lot. Thus, ask lots of questions before making your purchase.
- Knowing the right food for your fish is another important thing you have to know as this may vary from species to species. If you have this knowledge you will be able to provide foods that are rich in nutritional ingredients that your fish require.
- Keep the environment clean.
- When you want to introduce new fish, make sure it's quarantined to reduce the risk of disease.
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Breaking Through Resistance by: Selena Richardson Why is it that every time you start something new, a million and one things get in the way?You make a goal to lose weight and all of a sudden every time you go to the store you seem to notice the chocolate you've been craving.Or you decide to start a writing project but every time you sit down to write - you're stuck, you don't have any inspiration. You can't seem to get moving forward.Resistance always comes up when you start venturing into unknown territory - starting a new project or a home based business - it comes in many different forms.For me, resistance shows up in the disguise of procrastination.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential – Part 1
by: Paul M. Jerard Jr.
Meditation is often misunderstood by those who do not practice it. Very often, I hear meditation referred to as, "altered states of consciousness." That sounds more like intoxicants, rather than bringing clarity to a cluttered mind. Without going too deep into what meditation is, or is not, let's focus on one of the many things a daily meditation practice can do for you.
Meditation is commonly seen in many Yoga classes, but it has been practiced by a variety of cultures, including Roman Catholic priests, as well as Japanese Samurai, who practiced a form of Zen meditation. I mention this so you can see the full spectrum of meditation and its many facets.
There are many varieties and types of meditation, but the easiest form to learn is, "breath awareness meditation." Compared to many other meditation techniques, this will enable anyone to experience the benefits of meditation in much less time.
At this point, let's consider that meditation and Yoga teachers often compare the mind to a monkey. Many thoughts are running through your brain, at the same time, and it is hard to control all of your impulses - let alone, sit still and meditate. So why go through all this trouble?
Meditation has many rewards, and we will now consider one of extreme value. Through daily practice of meditation, you will release the unlimited potential of your mind. The ability to change, or alter the universe, starts as a single thought within your mind.
One human decided to harness the power of fire, and did he/she foresee the global warming effect? How could he/she imagine where we are now? This is just one of many thousands of examples of Karma - the law of cause and effect. Therefore, one seemingly small change, of any kind, will have a ripple effect on the universe.
Some of the seeds to change the universe, rests locked up in your mind, but you have the ability to shape the future by any small changes that you make. Let's say you have a friend, family member, or associate, who cares for you deeply, but, up to now, you have always taken it for granted. Can you imagine what would happen if you take the time to groom that relationship? The answer is you would have a loyal ally and all you had to show was kindness or appreciation.
You have the ability to alter your own personality and affect the world around you. Hopefully, your personality will always continue to change for the better; if so, this will alter everyone around you for the best.
They pack heaps of features into a durable, quality machine that is priced just right. Anyone who is looking for a treadmill for their home gym or office should seriously consider a Smooth Treadmill.
Maybe you haven't thought of this. It's the best solution to your budget problems, but you can't have it overnight! Greek people are hospitable and so are other countries' people if you become friends with.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How Do I help My Dog Lose Weight?
by: Russell Richer
Much like their owners, more and more dogs worldwide are showing signs of obesity. Besides limiting their enjoyment of life as a dog, extra body weight can lead to to joint and heart problems, shorter lives, and sometimes behavioural issues.
The easiest way to tell whether or not your dog is obese is to examine his body. Try the following: Have him stand up, then stand above him. Does his body slope inward at the waist? Run your hands over his sides from front to back legs. Can you feel his ribs fairly easily? Feel the base of his tail. Are the bones easily detectable? Look at him from the side. Does his tummy slope upward as it gets closer to his tail?
If you answered no to any of the questions, your pup is probably overweight. If you answered "What waist/ribs/tail bones?" and "Upward? Really?," your pup is probably obese.
The methods for treating obesity in dogs is fairly simple: eat less, exercise more.
Eat less If your dog has a constant supply of food, remove it. Buy a food scoop with measuring lines and portion his food based on the charts on your food labels. Create a feeding schedule and stick to it. Whether you split the amount among two feedings or one larger meal, stay with the routine and he'll adjust to it.
Be forewarned, though. Dogs are survival eaters and don't react well when their food supply is threatened. She may suddenly, start raiding the trash or taking food off of the counter.
Exercise more
It won't take any convincing to get your dog to exercise more, just get the leash and head out for a walk.
Plan to spend an hour total every day walking. I realize that it's hard these days to find the time. If you have kids, drag them away from the TV and go for a family walk after dinner. If you work out yourself, figure out a way to incorporate your dog into your routine.
On the weekends, head to the park with a tennis ball or a Frisbee.
Think of it this way:
Would you rather see your dog running, tongue out, tail wagging for 10 years, or that he lay around the house for five?
How many people get to have a to-do list that includes "Play with Dog"?
The right diet and exercise can make your dog more social, more obedient, and more dedicated to you due to the extra time you spend together.
Wasn't that the whole reason you decided to get a dog in the first place?
Affirm-Actions ... Stop lying to your soul and make it real! by: Edward B.
Nutrition And Healthy Eating – What You Should Know by: John Gibb Many people think that they can achieve a healthy lifestyle simply by maintaining a diet that prevents obesity.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Why Not Stay At One Of The Top All Inclusive Resorts When You Need To Relaxe!
by: Mike Yeager
All inclusive resorts are the best getaways for people who want to relax and enjoy the serene nature. The destinations are spread out all over the world. A lot of those depend on the qualities, price and ultimate extravagant fun. Sandals resort which includes Jamaica, St. Lucia, Bahamas or Antigua that has been voted world's Leading Honeymoon resort for six years in a row. Here you can engage in every land and water sport such as water skiing, scuba diving and an impressive fitness center. When comes to dining, there are extraordinary restaurants to choose from.
All inclusive resorts have a grand entrance; none can compare to the winding, palm-lined road that leads you to the beginning of your dream vacation. The playful dolphin fountain provides a dramatic sense of arrival to this gated Disney Area Resort. It is located just minutes from Walt Disney World in Kissimmee and can be perfect resort for a total vacation experience.
All inclusive resorts in Hawaii give you a great time to experience the scenic beauty and enjoy the great deal package indeed. The atmosphere at these resorts is laid-back, and the service is awesome. White beaches and sapphire lagoons at the Kauai are breathtaking. A line of chairs stretched across on grassy lawn. You can feel the crashing waves all day long. In all vacation resorts, guests can swim and snorkel and can be easily swept into the spirit of paradise.
They happened to have a well and offered to let us use the water for my goldfish.I soon noticed that the fish were constantly gasping for air at the surface. They also refused to eat.
Geocaching: A Great Way To Get Outdoors by: Chuck Fitzgerald If you're tired of hiking the same trail or picnicking at the same park, then Geocaching may be exactly what you're looking for.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Premiere Attraction State in Florida
by: Nuttakorn Rattanachaisit
Sunshine States
Florida is called the " Sunshine State ", situated on a largw peninsula at the southern part of the United States , just only 1,000 miles south of New York City . Florida is a flat sandy land about 100 miles wide by 400 miles with many hundred miles of white sand beaches. Its climate is warm.
Florida is the premiere attraction state with more large parks, entertainment centers, history museums, resorts, sports venues and tourist destinations.
Clearwater Beach , Florida
Sugary Sand Beaches
Leave the mainland and cross the bridge, you'll see the beauty of the Gulf of Mexico and Clearwater Beach . Clearwater Beach is situated midway on Florida 's west coast, 30 minutes west of Tampa and 90 minutes west of Orlando . It is an island connected to its downtown by palm-lined Memorial Causeway. Clearwater Beach is known for its sugary sand beaches.
Daytona Beach , Florida
Golfing Daytona
Daytona is known as Florida 's golf capital. Your golf vacation in Daytona Beach is as good for your account as it is for your swing. Despite the vast selection of famous golf courses, the area is not as expensive as you think. In spring , Daytona Beach is full of much more teenagers-college students, rock bands and motorcycle buffs.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The Venice of America
Fort Lauderdale is a city in Florida's gold coast. It is 23 miles north of Miami with its more than 300 miles of navigable waterways and innumerable canals. Its landscape is lied with hundreds of parks, golf courses, tennis courts and beaches.
Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The History of Fort Myers Beach
Fort Myers Beach shares its heritage with its namesake the city of Fort Myers. This city was once home to the famous Seminole Indian Chief, Bill Bowlegs.
Inverness, Florida
Florida's Nature Coast
Inverness is situated 10 minutes south of the Florida Turnpike's northern gate at Wildwood and five minutes east of 1-75 to State Road 44. Its coast is kept as old Florida charm by preserving and protecting acres of natural scenery.
Jacksonville, Florida
What's in the Northeast Florida
Jacksonville is at the northeastern tip of Florida, south of Georgia border, lies a huge land mass encompassing city and country, swamp and ocean. One of the jacksonville's most popular attractions is the Jacksonville Zoo.
Tampa, Florida
Adventure Island
Tampa is a medium-sized city. It is on Florida's Gulf Coast. Tampa's attractions are museums, large parks like Busch Gardens, Adventure Island, Lowry Park Zoo, Florida Aquarium, arts center at the Tampa Bay and leaving of cruise ships from the port of Tampa. You will not be disappeared if you come to Tampa for sunshine and you will be surprised to discover its wonderful food-delicious, diverse and exciting cuisine.
Ten Benefits of Having a Relationship Coach by: Rinatta Paries As a Master Certified Relationship Coach, I work with singles to help them attract a great match and with couples to help put their relationships back on track. I hear great feedback from my clients about the value of coaching.I think everyone can benefit from having a coach -- coaching can contribute that much to your life.
The 10 Bike Shop Customer Etiquette Commandments by: Levi Bloom This article was inspired by all those things customers do that really irritate bike shop owners and employees. I decided to create this list of commandments for you to follow.1.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How to Choose Goldfish
by: Nate Jamieson
How you choose your goldfish, depends largely on two things: the type of fish you really like to see, and the kind of container you intend to keep them in.
People in warmer climates, like to populate their outdoor ponds and pools with goldfish, which is a wonderful addition to the outdoor décor of your lawns and gardens. These may be natural ponds, or manmade pools that are actually vinyl liners sunk into the ground, and provided with air and water circulation through a pump system. This circulation, natural or otherwise, is important to keeping the water well oxygenated for the fish.
But surprisingly, if your pond is deep enough, it's possible to over-winter your goldfish outside. If you are populating an outdoor pond, it's best to start with fish that were raised that way themselves, as there is less likelihood of losing some that are unable to adapt. Store-bought fish raised in tanks can adapt, but you can expect to lose a certain percentage of them, depending on the harshness of the weather.
If you're just starting out, you might try just the common goldfish at first, since these will be less expensive to replace, should you have a hard winter. If your fish are not surviving, you may need to look at better air and water circulation, or deepening the pond. But once you have a thriving colony, you can begin adding some of the hardier varieties of fancy goldfish.
But like so many ventures Miracle On 34th Street (1947) came about because of passion, in this case that of Director George Seaton who had gone to New York on his own and made arrangements with the real Mr. Macy and Mr.
Toys For Your Pet That Are Safe and Fun by: Christine Arbor There are plenty of toys on the market to keep your favorite pet entertained for hours on end, but there are also a number of factors to consider when purchasing toys for your pet.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Compounding Effect of Selfishness
by: Gary Vurnum
Five-year-old Katie asked for a coin for her to throw into a fountain at a local shopping centre. She was given one, and duly walked over to the fountain, stopped for a few seconds, and threw it into the water, and came back to us, smiling.
“What did you wish for, Katie?” I asked, expecting some mention of Barbie in the answer.
“I wished that my brother could stay at home with us all of the time, and not have to go into hospital any more.” She replied.
I looked over at my wife, and saw that she had a tear in her eye.
On reflection, it made me realise how unselfish children can be in certain situations. They do not torture themselves with bias or perceptions of how their actions might impact upon others. They generally do what they want to do, and say what they want to say, until they get told to conform by parents or teachers. Children do need to be informed of boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed, or words that shouldn’t be said. They should, however, be allowed to fully develop their natural imagination and caring instincts in a positive, supportive framework.
By the same token, it made me realise how selfish us grown-ups have become. It seems that, for a lot of people, every act is performed only because of an expectation of something in return. You don’t think so? Let’s look at some examples:
You complain that your sister bought you a Christmas present that cost less than the one you bought for her.
You take your daughter out for a bike ride only so that you don’t have to play a game with her.
You take two-hour lunch breaks at work on a regular basis, yet you complain at appraisal time about your poor pay-rise.
You give up your seat on the train only because you think it will make you look good in front of others, and not because you want to.
You lend your best friend a small amount of money to help her out, yet all you can think about is when she will pay you back.
Giving with the expectation to receive is not giving, it’s lending. If you are lending somebody something, even subconsciously, you automatically expect some interest in return. This interest element is what causes the problem.
In the same way that interest on money compounds, so does this bank of accumulated selfishness. Like your monetary debt is always in the back of your mind, your subconscious will not let you move forward unless you balance the equation.
The most difficult way to become successful is by attempting to achieve everything on your own. If you desire long-term success at whatever you do, you can only get (and stay) there with the help of other people. Only by focusing on the other person will you be able to give without expecting to receive. Help other people, without expectation, and you help yourself on the road to success.
To Our Success!
One time in New York an unnoticed Marilyn Monroe was walking down Madison Avenue accompanied by Eli Wallach. " My God, don't these people know who you are?" Wallach asked her.
How to Care for Your Dog's Ear by: Ruth Bird Regular ear care for your dog Routine ear care is very important to the health of your dog.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Chocolate Splendor, Food For The Gods. Bodybuilding Nutrition.
by: Kevin Doberstein
A fictional overheard conversation at a Thelma's Fine Dining.
Hi, I'm your waitress, Flo. How are you two doing tonight? Just come from the gym? Whew, one of you needs a shower. Here's our menu. Our specials include a 3lb cheeseburger with mega fries, a foot long chili dog that is deep-fried and covered with cheese. Or we have a this new health drink called Chocolate Splendor. What? How in the h#%l did that get in there?
An after workout drink that provides bodybuilding nutrition for first rate growth.
After putting your body through a grueling workout it demands bodybuilding nutrition. No this is not an advertisement. We found an easy, quick and reasonably priced way of fulfilling this need. We take a packet of Carnation Instant Breakfast and mix it with whey protein. The whey protein that we use is Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein Powder. It mixes easily and tastes good. 20 grams of sugar carbohydrates from the instant breakfast help your blood glucose return back too normal after the depletion from the workout. You can mix the two powders together in a shaker cup and add water at the gym when you are ready to drink it.
Chocolate Splendor breakdown:
Protein 28 grams
Carbohydrates 30 grams 20 grams sugar
Fat 2.5 grams
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The ride had been a marvelous, comfortable experience when compared to riding Greyhound buses in the United States. In addition to a good meal and a new release movie, one of my fellow passengers shared many of the interesting things about Morelia that I would be able to see and do once we arrived.
Each person's box would contain specific chores or tasks that need to be completed. The chores are written on slips of paper, and take a maximum of 10 minutes each to accomplish.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
100 Huntley Street hosts suspended during Ponzi scheme probe

Ron and Reynold Mainse have been relieved of their duties as hosts of Christian program 100 Huntley Street after allegedly becoming involved in a $14.1-million Ponzi scheme.
Crossroads Christian Communications, the Canadian ministry behind 100 Huntley Street, has issued a statement saying ministry funds were not used in the scheme and that the brothers had made a private investment.
Crossroads founder David Mainse remains on the show, but his two sons were suspended in early June after it was learned their investments were being investigated by the U.S. Security Exchange Commission.
They had invested money with Gordon Driver, a neighbour of Ron Mainse in Freelton, Ont., whose company is called Axcess Automation.
The SEC alleges Driver was running a Ponzi scheme that drew $14.1 million US from more than 100 Canadian and U.S. investors.
Driver was promising weekly returns on investment as high as five per cent, based on special software he said he developed to trade futures.
The Ontario Securities Commission has ordered Driver and Axcess Automation to cease all trading and the SEC is seeking to seize its assets.
According to SEC court filings, Driver testified that he had worked for 100 Huntley Street as a teenager.
In a May 14 filing in California, the SEC accuses Ron and Reynold Mainse, who were hosts on 100 Huntley Street, of helping Driver recruit new investors.
However, Doug McKenzie, chief executive of Crossroads, says the Mainses made a "personal and private" investment in Axcess and did not draw from the ministry's pool of donors.
"Ron and Reynold Mainse will not be appearing on any Crossroads programming or otherwise represent Crossroads for the time being as they focus their energies on certain matters in their personal lives," the Crossroads board said in a statement.
"They've stepped down from their duties until such time as the board of directors have complete understanding of all the issues related to a matter that they were involved in outside of the ministry here at Crossroads," the statement said.
100 Huntley Street, a daily inspirational TV program, was launched in 1977 by Crossroads founder and evangelical minister David Mainse.
Wascana Lake study to examine fertilizer effects

The artificial Wascana Lake in Regina, notorious for its algae and other plant growth, has been selected for a major study on the effects of fertilizer on lakes.
Biologists from the University of Regina are participating in the study, which involves several universities looking at different questions regarding fertilizers and water systems.
In Regina, samples of water from Wascana Lake are being taken every three weeks over the course of the summer. Some will be treated with urea, a common form of fertilizer, while control samples will be left alone.
After a time, the water will be tested to see what happens to both the control samples and those with added fertilizer.
"Urea is great for crops. It's really a low-impact fertilizer," Peter Leavitt, a biologist at the University of Regina, told CBC News on Thursday. "In Saskatchewan, we're actually leading the country in its use.
"But we don't have a great idea of what happens if it gets off the soil and gets into the water," Leavitt explained. "So, this is part of a very large project that was just funded by the federal government to try and get a better understanding of what these kinds of organic molecules do to the environment.
"We're trying to understand its effects on the algae вЂ" the green stuff in the water вЂ" as well as the bacteria."
'Wascana Lake is a great model for many lakes in southern Saskatchewan.'вЂ" Peter Leavitt, University of Regina biologist
Leavitt said the followup testing will focus on the microscopic bacteria in particular.
"What we're doing this year is trying to understand the effects on bacteria. The algae, the green stuff, you can see," he said. "The bacteria you can't see right away, so they could pose more of a hazard or they could be beneficial, and we know so little about this, we're just trying to get some preliminary information."
"Wascana Lake is a great model for many lakes in southern Saskatchewan, and it's also a good model for lakes in other agricultural regions in the world," Leavitt said. "The lake is naturally nutrient-rich, so it's a lake that may be sensitive to additional inputs of nitrogen and other molecules."
Link to algae growth part of study
Leavitt said the goal of the research is to clear up some questions about the impact of urea fertilizer on water systems.
"Urea wasn't used prior to 1970, and since its use the blue-green algae tends to be worse," Leavitt said. "So people would point at that and go, 'Oh look. It's the urea.'
"But, it's also warmer than it's ever been, so maybe it's temperature," he said. "We're trying to pull things apart and try to identify what the actual cause is, rather than just guessing."
Leavitt said the issue is important to Saskatchewan as an agricultural province.
"Ultimately this is a benefit to the province, because there's going to be three billion more people on the planet in the next 50 years. We absolutely must feed them. And Saskatchewan is the world's bread basket," Leavitt said. "We're going to be feeding them from food produced here and we're going to need the fertilizer."
Smells like spring
The Regina lake produces a foul odour every spring, when the ice breakup releases trapped gas from a winter's worth of decomposing vegetation.
"The conditions that make this area good for growing crops, also make it good for growing plants in the water," Leavitt said about the seasonal pungency emitted from the lake. "The smell comes from having ice over the whole lake all winter long, and when it melts, that sort of rotting egg smell comes up."
Leavitt said if there is a link between fertilizers and plant growth, managers of Wascana Lake could work on that.
"Part of it is trying to reduce the nutrient input so there's less green stuff and therefore less stuff to decompose," he said. "So, it might help. It might not."
Leavitt said they hope to have preliminary results early in 2010.
Farmers near Edmonton fear grasshopper infestation
Farmers in the county of Camrose fear grasshoppers will destroy crops already stunted by continuing dry weather.
They leave virtually nothing by the time they've done their job eating," Terry Banack, a farmer in Camrose, said Wednesday.
A field near Camrose bakes in the sun. (CBC)The county, 105 kilometres southeast of Edmonton, was declared an agricultural disaster by county officials on June 16.
Grasshoppers thrive in hot, dry weather, said Pete Heule, life sciences outreach technician at the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton.
When crops and plants are doing well, grasshoppers are not a problem, but in dry conditions grasshoppers feed on whatever is available, he said
"It wasn't too many years back where they were saying it was the worst drought in 100 years at least, so it might be that we're going to start seeing grasshoppers like we haven't seen in that many years as well," Heule said.
There are already reports of grasshoppers in the province, said Humphrey Banack, president of Wild Rose Agricultural Producers.
"They're not truly widespread yet … I have heard stories that in some areas they're getting to be a little more of a problem than others," Banack said.
Farmers can deal with the grasshoppers by using costly insecticides, but they can be harmful to the environment, he said.
However, spending that kind of money to save the little crops farmers have left on their fields may not be worthwhile, Banack said.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Fitness Scams
by: Tracie Johanson
Caveat emptor is Latin for "let the buyer beware". Nowhere is this phrase more applicable than in the weight loss industry of today.
It seems that every time we turn around we are blasted and bombarded with the latest, greatest, new and improved treatment for obesity. From miracle pills to the latest fad diet, the gimmicks just keep coming. The sad truth is that few of these products work. Even fewer will result in real, permanent and lasting fat loss. A very few of the weight loss gimmicks on the market today are not only a consumer rip-off, but they are also quite dangerous.....even deadly. Caveat emptor indeed!
As an example, consider the prescription diet drug Meridia. Does it help you lose weight? For some people, the answer is yes. For others, the answer is no. Can it kill you? The answer to this question seems to be a nervous 'maybe'. "The consumer group Public Citizen had petitioned the Food and Drug Administration for a ban, citing Meridia users who died of heart problems as young as their 20s and 30s. Even before Meridia was approved for sale, the FDA knew it could increase users' blood pressure, the group contended." (Source:
This week the FDA again refused to ban Meridia, even though whistleblower David Graham (an FDA drug safety officer) testified to Congress last fall that his agency was allowing five unsafe medicines to stay on the market, including Meridia.
Ephedra was banned in the United States last year, in part due to numerous deaths attributed to this popular weight loss supplement. On April 14, a federal Judge in Utah reversed the short-lived ban on ephedra. Within minutes, spammers were filling our email boxes with messages to BUY BUY BUY before ephedra was banned again.
One of these spammers, on their website, states that "Finally, the forbidden fat-burning herb banned for being 'too effective' – Ephedra – is available to the public again". We're not going to quote the source on this one because we don't want to give this guy any free publicity.
Yes, ephedra will help some people lose weight. Yes, ephedra is safe for some people in low doses. But there is that little nagging fact that people have DIED and that their deaths have been attributed to ephedra use.....
"The Advertising Standards Authority in Great Britian has ordered L'Oreal to pull ads for an anti-cellulite cream. The board found that claims as to the effects and timeliness of the skin treatment were misleading and could not be backed up by any research. The ads featured Claudia Schiffer and L'Oreal has agreed to make changes to the advertisements." (Source:
For whatever reason, some people have decided that anabolic steroids are the best way to lose weight. Despite the well-documented and serious side-effects of steroid use, the lure of easy weight loss has caused many to throw caution to the wind. Perhaps the most concerning trend is steroid use among our teenage population: "Teens also listed steroids, growth hormone, amino acids and other potentially unhealthful products among those they'd tried in the previous year." (Source:
Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) is indeed the rule when it comes to many weight loss gimmicks. However, there is one weight loss method that has never been banned, has never led to an investigation, and has never been been listed on a 'whistleblower' fraud report: EXERCISE.
Exercise is the only path to health and fitness that virtually every doctor in the world agrees upon. Exercise is safe, effective, and brings many more benefits to our lives than diets or drugs ever will. Exercise is fun, invigorating, motivating and the single most powerful way to improve our life and well-being!
Instead of looking for another short-cut to weight loss success, choose the proven method that gets results. Choose exercise.