
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why Did They Take the Diving Board Off of the Local Pool?

QUESTION: They took the diving board off of our local pool.

ANSWER: Diving going head first into water can be dangerous.
Diving is a leading cause of spinal cord injuries among athletic activities, causing about 1,300 spinal cord injuries per year.
Diving injuries also kill, but these deaths are classed as drownings and so their number is uncertain. There are several easy ways to reduce the chance of a diving injury. Most injuries occur during showing off, horseplay, or involve a dare.
Never dive into water you don't know.
In lakes or rivers, go into the water feet first to check how deep it is before diving.
In a pool, find out where the deep area ends or you may overshoot it and slam into the slope leading to the shallow part.
No above-ground pool is deep enough to dive into, so don't even think about it. The people who run your local pool decided to eliminate the risk of diving injuries by removing the diving board and they may have had good reason.
One possible factor may have been their inability to obtain insurance to cover anyone injured in a diving accident.
Whatever the reason, your actions are clear.
Play by the rules.
Don't dive in that pool.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Should Severe Foot Burns Be Treated in the Hospital?

QUESTION: I spilled a plate of terribly hot soup, and severely burned my feet.
I visited my doctor for care but he wants to put me in the hospital. What do you think?

ANSWER: I think that the doctor knows something you don't.
That sometimes happens! Burns to the feet and hands are nothing to take lightly; they too are vital parts of the body, and we put them to hard and constant use.
With never ending demands placed upon them, the healing process is delayed and made more difficult.
Healing can be helped by strict bed rest, foot elevation, and dressing changes can you accomplish this at home according to your doctor's orders? Foot burns are classified as major by the American Burn Association and complications seem to arise more frequently in outpatients than for those immediately admitted to the hospital.
One of the complications is edema (swelling of the foot), which frequently occurs in foot burn victims who delay admission to the hospital, and this extra fluid in the area that is trying to heal slows down the process.
Edema can be avoided by absolute bed rest and foot elevation, difficult to accomplish at home.
There are many other services at the hospital as well, where frequent dressing changes, physiotherapy, and laboratory tests make caring for your injury, and preventing unwanted complications a more easily accomplished task.
I don't believe in unnecessary hospitalizations, but when the patient is more comfortable and the treatment more effective, when results are more certain and the cure is a bit quicker, than my vote must go along with that of your own physician.
Remember one thing, however.
If you could follow all the instructions, and had someone to aid you, you could make a case for staying home.
As with every major medical decision, the choice lies with the informed patient.
Whatever your decision, here's a wish for a speedy recovery.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Should Women Limit Their Sports Activity?

QUESTION: I have a young granddaughter who is very interested in gymnastics. She is just entering her womanhood, and I am afraid that she will be injured by all the strenuous activity involved.
Shouldn't women limit their sports activity?

ANSWER: I think you're suggesting that sports and exercise are somehow bad for women.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Exercise and sports participation can help anyone, male or female, maintain fitness and bring on an increased sense of well-being.
To talk about limiting women's athletic participation because of risk of injury is as silly as limiting men's participation because they need to wear athletic supporters. There is still the lingering myth that exercise will hurt women or impair their femininity or reproductive health.
Yet, women were once expected to run a household at a time when water had to be hauled up from a well, laundry had to be physically scrubbed and wrung out, and rugs had to be beaten clean.
If a woman was lucky enough to have a servant to do this heavy work, that servant was usually a woman too. A fit woman is not more likely to be injured when participating in sports than a fit man.
There are a few accommodations that women athletes must make to participate in sports, however.
A large-breasted woman should wear a comfortable sports bra that will give her support for jumping or running. Women are more prone to knee and ankle injuries because of their wide pelvis, but proper stretching before exercise along with good shoes will reduce this risk.
There is no reason why a healthy pregnant woman should not continue to participate in sport or exercise.
She should be careful of her changing center of balance and of her lowered target heart rate, however. As for your young granddaughter, she will gain much from her sports participation, as she is watched closely by her coaches, who will assure that her activity is appropriate for her age and build.
And you will enjoy every minute!

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Does Breast Feeding Affect Marital Relations?

QUESTION: I'm concerned.
Now that the baby is here things don't seem the same as before.
Does breast feeding affect marital relations?

ANSWER: Having a baby affects every aspect of one's life, including the relationship of marriage.
Pregnancy, childbirth and caring for a young infant are physically and emotionally demanding.
Breast feeding an infant can add an extra burden to the mother because of the energy involved, and it can create some conflicts because of the intimacy it creates between mother and child. The breasts are traditionally the husband's "territory," and some men are uncomfortable with sharing their wife in this way with a tiny stranger, even though the little one is a welcome addition to the family.
It is also very common for the new father to want to share the special closeness that the mother and the baby share. Some women feel uneasy about the normal, reflex sexual arousal that occurs when the baby sucks on the nipple.
The reflex is purely physical, but it can be disquieting to a new mother. Whether to breast or bottle feed is an individual decision that each couple should make for themselves.
Family, friends, society, physicians and nurses will influence the decision, but the couple should decide for themselves what is best for their baby and what works best for them.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Are Certain Drugs Okay to Use After Pregnancy?

QUESTION: I'm now eight and one-half months pregnant, and I'm proud to say I've abstained from virtually all my vices and didn't even take an aspirin when I had a headache throughout my pregnancy.
I am going to breast feed and I'm wondering if it's possible for me to have an occasional alcoholic drink or have a cup of coffee once again.
Also, is it safe for me to take aspirin or an antacid?

ANSWER: Congratulations on your exemplary behavior during your pregnancy. You've surely helped your baby during its development by abstaining from everything you've mentioned. The key word in answering your questions about what is permissible while breast feeding is the word occasional.
Although alcohol passes freely into breast milk, moderate ingestion (up to two drinks a day for the mother) will probably have an insignificant effect on your baby.
Binge drinkers and chronic alcoholics, however, should not breast feed unless they abstain from alcohol, as high levels of ethanol have been reported to cause sedation in infants. Caffeine from coffee, colas, tea, chocolate and other sources is excreted into breast milk in low amounts, but tends to accumulate in newborns when the mother ingests a lot of it.
Therefore, you'll be within a relatively safe range if you have less than 5 caffeinated beverages or products daily.
More than that and your baby may become irritable and have poor sleep patterns. When you have a headache, it is permissible to occasionally take aspirin or ibuprofen (nuprin, advil, etc.).
However, if you take aspirin too frequently, your baby might bruise easily. If you need an antacid, choose one in which the main ingredient is aluminum or magnesium, as they are probably safe in minimal use. Other medications to treat various ailments may be permissible while breast feeding, but make sure your doctor knows you are a lactating mom, so he won't prescribe one that is contraindicated.
Timing is critical when taking medicine while breast feeding.
You should breast feed your baby just before taking a drink, having coffee, or any medication, and then delay nursing for four hours.
The drugs or drinks you take will have their highest potency in your milk a half hour to two hours after taking them. To the best of my knowledge, the above information concerns what is "safe".
Being "sure" is something else again, and means continuing the same rigid discipline you have demonstrated throughout your pregnancy.
Perhaps, after all, that would be the best plan of action.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

The Meaning of Teenage Abnormal Periods

QUESTION: My daughter won't discuss this with me openly, but I know she is worried and anxious.
I need some information before I open the conversation with her.
What does it mean when a teenager gets abnormal periods?

ANSWER: Irregular vaginal bleeding is fairly common in adolescents because even though menstruation begins, it initially is not accompanied by ovulation in almost 50% of all teenage girls.
Initially the bleeding occurs after estrogen (a female hormone) causes a buildup or thickening in the endometrium (the tissue which lines the uterus), which sheds and bleeds irregularly after a few months because the endometrium cannot support the thick layer.
A temporary reduction in estrogen levels can also cause the bleeding, as can a lack of progesterone, the hormone responsible for ovulation.
Since a true hormonal balance and the onset of ovulation frequently don't develop until mid- or late puberty, menstrual irregularity can be quite common. However, in managing teenagers exhibiting such irregularities, it is important to distinguish a normal variation from an actual abnormality. Bleeding is usually labeled clinically abnormal when painless heavy bleeding persists for over a week and occurs more frequently than at 21-day intervals. These symptoms, as well as the development of secondary anemia due to large losses of blood, should be investigated. To diagnose an abnormality, tests are performed to rule out other serious causes such as congenital uterine abnormalities, cervical polyps, pelvic inflammatory disease, or coagulation defects.
Once these and other possible complications are eliminated, evaluation and treatment can be initiated.
In nonemergency cases, when the girl is not actively bleeding and has a hemoglobin count of ten or more grams, management is fairly simple.
The patient is instructed to keep a menstrual calendar and is placed on a high protein diet with adequate rest and recreation.
In some cases, oral iron supplements are given.
Ultimately, the hope is that ovulation will develop spontaneously and with it, regular and mildly painful periods. In emergency cases, when there is active bleeding and low hemoglobin, treatment is more complicated.
Since progesterone is responsible for ovulation, oral progestins or other synthetic progestogens are administered with small amounts of estrogen.
One tablet taken four times a day after meals should stop the bleeding within two days.
The dose should then be reduced to one or two tablets for a couple of weeks.
Withdrawal bleeding follows. After this initial hormone treatment, the patient is given a low-dose oral contraceptive for three to four months to prevent a recurrence.
Oral contraceptives can be very effective in regulating cycles and after a few months of treatment, patients will usually resume ovulation and regular periods.
However, all patients who exhibit dysfunctional uterine bleeding should receive continuous long-term observation because some may never ovulate and will continue to experience recurrent clinical problems. Quite simply, none of this evaluation or treatment can start until you and your daughter have a heart to heart, "sit-down" conversation.
Sure she's worried, and maybe a bit frightened as well.
Remember your first experiences? Once you're past the anxieties, and a little time has passed, it will all probably straighten out by itself.
If not, a visit to the physician is then in order.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pics from my PC

Can You Inherit Heart Disease?

QUESTION: With both a father and a younger brother who have suffered heart attacks, I am now worried that I may have inherited bad genes that will soon make me a victim as well.
Is this possible, and what can I do about my problem?

ANSWER: I wish I could reduce some of the anxiety and stress that comes through in your letter.
That would be an important first step in the list of "things to do".
The news may not be as bad as it appears.
It is true that heart disease is known to cluster in certain families, particularly where the disease occurs before the age of 55.
But the results are not all in as yet as to whether or not that represents a true inherited gene, or whether common environmental risk factors play an important part.
However, in families where there are two or more relatives with coronary heart disease, your statistical risk is 3 to 6 times higher than the general population.
That means you must pay careful attention to those risk factors that you can modify or diminish. Those include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, over weight, high blood sugar, and smoking.
While there is nothing you can do about your age and sex or your family ties, you are a candidate for a thorough medical examination, to determine the exact value and nature of these possible risk factors.
You must then dedicate the effort necessary to bring them into line, and don't be satisfied with high normal.
The closer you come to attaining absolute normal, the less are your chances of suffering a heart attack.
It's not your family history that provokes the disease, it's the effects of these major risk factors that does the job.
While scientists debate the role of inheritance (about which you can do nothing), you have an important role in influencing your own health.
Good luck.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Can a Running Program Help Decrease Your Risk of Heart Attack?

QUESTION: I'm 43 years old, male, and lead a rather nonathletic life behind a desk.
Lately I have been thinking it's time to get in shape.
Could a running program help decrease my risk of heart attack?

ANSWER: Running has been found to help unfit middle-aged men to lessen the risk of heart disease.
In one 30 week study, some 50 sedentary middle-aged men took part in a structured training program.
The subjects all had full physicals before participating, during the experiment, and after the program ended. The important factors in monitoring heart disease serum cholesterol levels, plasma triglycerides, body weight, percent of body fat and blood pressure were all checked. As the study ended, the serum cholesterol level of the group had dropped an average of 12%, which is quite significant.
Another significant drop the resting blood pressure of the participants.
Many who participated also lost several pounds.
Another interesting effect of the training program was an increase in the peak exercise cardiac output an improvement in cardiac function. It can, therefore, be very helpful for middle-aged men who are unfit to get fit for their hearts' sake. But do not start the exercise program without getting a physical exam first.
Your doctor should do a cardiac stress test to make sure it's safe for you to begin a strenuous exercise program.
The other thing to remember is to train, not strain don't try to get fit overnight.
(That's dangerous).
It probably took you many years to get into your unfit condition, and it's just good sense to know that is going to take some time to reverse the situation. You might want to start with a brisk walking program and progress to running, as this will ease your body back into a physical state.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Building Muscle Safely and Effectively

Muscle building demands hard work and enormous discipline. To build your body you'll have to work extensively with heavyweights and irons, to guarantee that neither of these have a prejudicial result on your muscles or hurt you in anyway you'll have to take some safety precautions. Begin by reading up a lot of stuff on careful muscle building exercises like those that teach you about proper weight lifting techniques and ways to warm up and cool down etcetera. In the next section we'll talk about some indispensable techniques you must practice at the gymnasium.

Always start with an appropriate warm up and finish with a warm down session. Each should take no less than fifteen minutes. Take five minutes to jog and at the least ten minutes to stretch your muscles and prepare them for whats approaching and only then plunge into the work out regime. Do Not forget to go from low to high. Begin with the lighter weights and slowly move up to the real heavy weights. Let your muscles get used to to the idea of lifting weights and prepare themselves to deplete the bodys strength.

Discover precisely how far you are able to go. No one except you are able to determine how far you can go, because only you know what your limitations are. It is advantageous to challenge your limits but do not exaggerate it and finish straining yourself, even the best of muscle-builders can cause severe damage to their body when they are strained.

Remember, muscle building may involve evaluations at competitions but the process itself is not a contest so you do not have to prove yourself to anybody. Take your own time to prepare yourself to take on heavier weights. Just in case you feel like you're overexerting yourself, just ease up and grab a lighter weight. Definition and muscle gain is an outcome of calculated restrain and not uncalculated risks such as those took in lifting excessively heavy weights.

Find yourself a spotter to see your movements when you're working with particularly heavyweights. Your spotter should preferably be of your own strength and somebody who can aid you with a tough spot in case he sees you submerged in a difficult situation. To guarantee that they're loyal to the cause however be sure you act as their spotter also. Most muscle-builders ask their training partners to spot for them. Spotters are crucial for getting you out of a particularly tough weight position. Some people injure themselves while working with weights. If unfortunately you also experience such an accident your spotter will aid you, contact the gym staff and take you to the hospital if necessary. Even if you don't get caught in such a soup your spotter will help you stay motivated and keep you concentrated on your present goals. You'll be able to return him the favor by doing the same for him.

When you get a basic idea of your training program and recognise the precise forms you should adopt in order to assure that the program proves good for you start exercising in front of the mirror to see if you're staying true to the forms you've been suggested to take.

Some people injure themselves simply by taking the wrong positions while training. Seeing yourself on the mirror should keep you from making such errors.

Visit http://musclebuildingfacts.info for effective and honest Muscle Building and Bodybuilding program reviews and information.

Healing the Whole Family with Bodytalk

Having long been interested in energy healing, New York City has such a wealth of options for me to choose from. I tend to be the kind of person who will try anything at least once, and so I visited a great number of places. I enjoy learning about different healing modalities, and so I am open to learning about all different kinds of energy healing. Once of the most intense experiences I encountered was through body talk. New York City has a new center called The BodyTalk Center which focuses on this internally balancing healing style. The name is an apt descriptor as the practice helps to open the lines of communication within the body to allow the body to heal itself. This can be applied to physical injury with amazing success, reducing the rehabilitation time and costs.

Of course, the body is not just physical. Mental and emotional components are also involved in working with the body. Bringing balance to body, mind and spirit is the whole point of this. Fears and tensions that are held in the body can disrupt life on both a physical and emotional plane. Imbalances can interfere with your daily life on multiple levels as well. It can also be socially inhibiting. Learning how to open up to others is a hugely important lesson and one that I think many people miss out on in life.

I had been receiving body talk for several months before I realized how this could apply to groups of people. I believe that with a simple consultation at this healing center, New York City sports teams, clubs, families, and businesses would all be signed up for these amazing services. All of the groups listed above are known as energy matrices, which simply refer to the fact that such entities often have a life of their own. They are formed of all the different energetic connections and relationships of the members of the group. Anyone who has ever been part of such a group can tell you that the effect that others have on them is greatly increased because of these ties. When things are going really well in a family or business, that tends to be reflected by the members and vice versa. In other words, the matrix affects everyone involved.

There are many benefits to BodyTalk. New York City is a place where many people could use this help- life in a big city can be hard and stressful, and there's no reason for this to be taken out on others. Here's how it works. Sports clubs usually bring in Bodytalk to help facilitate better communication between coaches and players and to improve team dynamics. The shift that these sports teams see in their ability to work together is evidenced by their improved performance. Another time when BodyTalk comes in handy is when incorporating a new player onto the team. When all members of the team are able to work together efficiently, the team is more successful. Decrease the amount of time that a new player takes to become accustomed helps not only the new player, but all those around them, as this type of change affects everyone involved. Although the example given here was of a sports team, it is important to recognize that this is the case with any group of people, be it a sports team, a family or a business.

Written by Kacy Suther. The Body Talk Center is a New York City energy healing center, offering many healing modalities including body talk New York City and the Franklin Method. Find out more about New York City bodytalk at http://www.thebodytalkcenter.com .

Facials for first timers, what to expect

Facials are done by professional estheticians, who are certified by taking anywhere from 250 to 600 hours of educational training. Therefore, when arriving for a facial you should always expect to receive optimal service. To find a good esthetician in your area, schedule a facial at a nearby spa, and put some time aside at the beginning of your appointment to get to know your provider.

Your esthetician should be pleasant and open, with a neat and orderly appearance. He or she should be willing to answer any questions you may have, and also provide helpful suggestions for skin care and skin treatment. It is a good idea to watch carefully while the esthetician is preparing for your facial, to make sure his or her hands and equipment are both washed and cleaned thoroughly prior to contact with your skin.

While your treatments are being applied, a good esthetician will follow your lead as to how much conversation you would like to engage in. A very quiet esthetician might feel cold and unhelpful, while an overly talkative provider may interfere with the relaxing effect of the procedure. A good provider will determine your level of comfort to make the spa experience positive and uplifting.

Estheticians should be able to remove pimples and blackheads with minimal discomfort, and respond to any indications of pain. He or she should also show concern for your health by asking about your home skin care practices, and advising you in what products to use without pushing you to purchase pricey salon brands. A good esthetician will also be knowledgeable enough to know when a skin condition requires the attention of a dermatologist.

A quality provider will give you a facial that results in a number of health benefits. First, your skin will be cleansed, which prevents the buildup of acne- and infection-causing bacteria in pores. The esthetician will examine your skin under a magnifying lamp and give you some general information about your skin condition and how you should care for your particular skin type. He or she will then exfoliate your skin to clear out dead skin cells, usually under steam vapor, which works to rehydrate the skin. The esthetician will then perform a facial massage, which will release anxiety and tension and increase blood flow. A mask will be applied to your face, and toners and creams will then be used. By personalizing the experience to your skin type, an esthetician provides a facial that will be of the most benefit to you.

Facials at Olivers Salon and Day Spa improve the health of the skin by purifying skin cells and improving facial tone and color. They also prevent the formation of wrinkles by rejuvenating and reinvigorating skin cells. To achieve maximum health benefits, facials should be scheduled every four to six weeks, as this is how long it takes for skin cells to regenerate. For those suffering from acne, facials should be done at least weekly in order to accelerate healing.

A number of services can be added on to the classic facial in order to gain more health benefits. These include vitamin C, oxygen, and collagen, which each provide different anti-aging benefits. After leaving the salon, you can achieve maximum health results by following your esthetician's guidelines for skincare, and scheduling follow-up appointments as needed.

Your esthetician should be pleasant and open, with a neat and orderly appearance. He or she should be willing to answer any questions you may have, and also provide helpful suggestions for skin care and skin treatment. It is a good idea to watch carefully while the esthetician is preparing for your facial, to make sure his or her hands and equipment are both washed and cleaned thoroughly prior to contact with your skin.

For more information on this topic please visit the Olivers Salon and Day Spa website.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pics from my PC

Pics from my PC

What Is the Reason For Bloodshot Eyes?

QUESTION: I know a good night on the town can get me, but what is the reason for blood shot eyes? My wife tells me they can be contagious, but I don't see how that can be possible.
Do I need to see my local doctor or can you help?

ANSWER: There are many reasons for those red eyes, and while lack of sleep is one of them, there are others that are a bit more serious, and may, as your wife has informed you, be contagious.
For eyes irritated by wind or sun, or from specks, or too little rest, an eyewash using artificial tears may be treatment enough (along with the necessary sleep).
Overuse of contact lenses, improper care and cleansing, is also another frequent source of eye irritations.
A few days of rest without lenses may be the answer here. However, if your vision is blurred, you find crusts in your eyelashes, feel pain in your eyes, or see a discharge from under your eyelids, you better be on your way to your physician.
Such signs and symptoms indicate that something is happening that requires attention, and probably medication as well.
Infection of the clear membrane that covers the eye (conjunctivitis) is an infection that spreads to other members of the family quite readily, and you will all have to follow a careful discipline of maintaining separate towels and washcloths and frequent hand washing.
Fortunately, such infections resolve rapidly once the proper antibiotic is prescribed and applied as per directions.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Considerations before opting TV brackets

Modern technologies have made life simpler and easier. Imbibitions of technology in our day-to-day life has made our life more clutter-free and organized. Television has also seen many changes and modifications since its origin. TV screens are much thinner and considerably larger. Earlier the TV screens were bulkier, but nowadays the television screens are flat and slim. However, they require TV brackets to be hanged onto the wall. They are not bulky therefore, they require less amount of space.

The TV brackets are bought on the basis of a few factors. One of the main factors to get a TV brackets are the weight of the television that you are using. The TV brackets are made such that they are capable to carry weight up to a certain measurement. Therefore, it is extremely necessary that the buyer of a TV brackets knows the type of LCD wall brackets that are appropriate for your use. While buying a television, notice the weight specifications that are mentioned in the cartons of the television concerned. Before shopping for TV brackets or a LCD wall bracket, make sure that the TV bracket that you are buying can comfortably hold the weight of your television. This is suggested because in the case of a LCD wall brackets, if the TV bracket that is used, fails to hold the weight of the television, it may cause fatal accidents and can cause damages to the other furniture or any other objects in the house.

There are many people who are eager to spend a large amount of money on the television and leave a small part of the money for the TV brackets. They forget an important aspect of having a strong and sturdy TV bracket, that is, if the LCD wall brackets that you are using to keep their favorite LCD television, collapses, it may cause damage to the television also.

You may get a TV bracket that is customized to the needs of your television. These are those types of TV brackets that are made according to the type of television that you are opting for and the size and the shape of those TV brackets are made such. Various models of LCD wall brackets are available in the market. These brackets have special features that you must consider before buying one. Like there are models, that are sturdy but makes the television static and immovable, again there are models that are stylish but are not strong enough and so forth. You are suggested to buy a heavy-duty one for your use.

Only getting LCD wall brackets is not as easy as getting a table to keep television. Your LCD television requires a proper installation of the LCD wall brackets onto the wall. It is advisable to get someone experienced to install the LCD wall brackets for you so that the installation is proper.

Once the LCD wall brackets are installed properly, you can enjoy unlimited fun and frolic and have an excellent television viewing experience.

For more resources about TV brackets or even about LCD wall brackets please review this website http://www.selectmounts.com/index2.php

Custom Wedding Bands And Jewelry Enfraving

Your wedding day is one of the most important dates in your life, and you want everything to be perfect. So, you plan the wedding ceremony, officiate, vows, and clothes. The happy couple-to-be tastes dozens of cakes before picking the right one. The reception, food, music, and photographer are chosen. Everything must be exactly perfect. Wait; don't forget the two things that will last the longest, besides the marriage, the wedding rings! Your wedding bands will endure and be a reminder of your special day and the life you and your spouse have made together through the years.

Your wedding band is a symbol of eternal and enduring love and commitment. Long after the clothes don't fit, the music and cake are a faint memory, and your wedding portrait is "somewhere around here"; even after the exact date is a little blurry, your and your partner or spouse can look at your wedding bands and recall, like it was yesterday, the love you felt that special day.

Now you can make those rings even more memorable and unique. With custom jewelry engraving, you can make custom wedding bands that have a singular meaning for you both. With custom white, gold, platinum, or titanium wedding bands that are engraved with your message, you and your loved one can express a particular sentiment that will have an intimate meaning for the two of you. Your custom wedding bands will be cherished forever.

Custom wedding bands can be engraved with the lyrics of love songs, a poem or a sonnet that expresses your love and personalities. You might want to choose a song from Elvis Presley or Celine Dion that puts you in a romantic mood. If you have any favorite song or lyric, you can have the words engraved on the wedding bands.

If you have a favorite religiously inspired verse, engrave it on a band for a special blessing to your loved one. Custom wedding bands and jewelry can be engraved in several languages.

You can have a custom wedding band to celebrate your commitment or marriage ceremony.
Engraved custom bands can be made to commemorate other events or professions as well. Surfaces can be engraved with images and text on rings, pendants, bracelets, key chains and watches.

With personalized engraving, custom wedding bands capture the special sentiments of your love and commitment.

WeddingVowsRings.com does custom jewelry engraving of images and text.

Choose the appropriate Cart Pushers for your workers

The heavy material handling tools are designed in order to ease the worker's fatigue when trying to move such materials from one place to another. These tools are designed in order to transport various sizes and shapes of heavy materials. For instance, the bulky materials can be transported with the Cart Pullers; these tools are to be used in every type of production or shipping process. Even the storage facilities are the perfect opportunity for these tools to be used.

You have to be aware that selecting your equipment is of paramount importance; you have to choose the right equipment because your choice will become a vital one. Your workers will be affected by your choice and you have to be perfectly aware of this. Even the operational efficiency of your business will be affected. All the operating costs can be influenced by the presence of the Cart Pushers or Cart Pullers. Therefore, you should think of these tools as being the wisest investment you can make in order to boost the way your factory works and produces.

You will have to take into account several factors such as the plant building, the type of material that will be handled and your workers' safety. All these factors should affect the way you select the equipment for your factory. Based on these factors, you should acknowledge the importance of providing your business with ergonomic tools. The present market forces are focused on delivering the ergonomic tools that are highly necessary in order to prevent future work accidents. The Cart Pushers and the Cart Pullers must be ergonomic tools; they need to be agile and lean.

The main purpose of such tools is to avoid the injuries; for instance, constant overexertion can lead to hazards and accidents. These unwanted consequences are to be avoided and the perfect solution is to provide the workplace with safe equipment that can prevent the workers from getting injured. The handling equipment is the essential solution that every employer should consider before something happens. The irreversible consequences are to be avoided and all the risks are to be reduced in order to keep your workers safe and healthy.

The Cart Pushers are the perfect solution especially if the daily tasks involve the constant moving of heavy objects. The manual handling should be avoided as soon as possible especially because women tend to be more prone to such work accidents. Providing the workplace with all the necessary tools is vital; the workflow needs to be improved and the Car Pushers and Car Pullers are to be regarded as essential features. These features will come along with high productivity and efficient workflow and you should take these aspects into account in order to realize that your investment will be a wise one.

Your time and money will not be wasted and you can rest assured that each of your future efforts will be rewarded. Your business efficiency will become noticeable in no time and you will not have to worry about work accidents anymore. The only thing that you will have to do is to choose the equipment according to its future applications. Therefore, you will have to pay attention to its design in order to make sure that this is what you want for your factory.

You have to be wise enough in order to make the most profitable choice; for instance, the good design is everything when it comes to improving your business performance. The facility layout can reduce all the future investments and it can also increase your future productivity in no time. You have to decide the exact type of tools you are going to purchase and you will have to pay attention to all the general characteristics that may influence your final decision.

You should also compare the prices; therefore, you should take a closer look at the available providers in order to choose professional and quality services. Your decision is going to influence your future business opportunities and you have to be fully aware of this aspect in order to choose the best tools for your workplace.

Cart Pushers can influence your business opportunities in a positive manner. Therefore, you should invest your money in the Cart Pullers because you are not likely to regret it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Benefits of Working from Home through Network Marketing

Starting a home-based business can be a life-changing experience. There is no one way for home-based business owners to operate their business. There are many business models that people can use. Network marketing is a business model whose success is based on connecting people via referrals and direct selling. Many people who start their own home-based business have a great product or service that they believe others would have an interest in purchasing. In network marketing you can start the business or, if you donвt have such an idea you can become an associate of an existing business and build upon their success to operate your own business. Both of these paths offer you the ability to enjoy all the benefits associated with owning a home-based business. Notable benefits associated with working from home including low startup costs, unlimited income potential, and a flexible work schedule. In addition to these benefits, network marketing also enables you to enjoy other benefits.

Low Start-Up Costs
Start-up costs are associated with running any type of business. When you decide to start your own business, these costs lay squarely on your shoulders. Of course, it is in your best interest to find ways to keep these costs low. When you engage in a home-based network marketing business your start-up costs are typically

Determine Your Income
One benefit of owning a home-based business that attracts many people is the potential to make a significant amount of money. Just as with any other type of work-from home business, your earning potential as a network marketing business is equal to your level of effort. You will need to become knowledgeable of your products and services, but your desire and willingness is key to your success. In addition, there is no limit to the number of associates and distributors connected to your business. As more and more people buy your products or services and join your business operation, your income potential also grows.

Increased Success
There are risks associated with any business. As a network marketing home-based business your risks are less, regardless of how you choose to operate your business. If your home-based business is the base of a network marketing system, you increase your chance for success with every associate or distributor that joins your network. If you choose to become an associate or distributor of an existing business, you leverage the success of an established business to increase your own.

Growing through Communication
The “office” that many people work in outside of the home is usually some form of a cubicle. This work environment is supposed to foster more communication between employees. Walk in any cubed environment and you will see people of all ages engaged in their work duties while listening to personal music devices, such as an MP3 player. People in these environments are actually communicating less. A network marketing home-based business provides you the personal freedom of working in a private environment without being shut out from the world. In fact, your business would not succeed if you did not communicate with others. Since the success of your business is tied to the success of other people in your network, staying in communication with them is crucial. In addition, by communicating with others in your network you have the opportunity to meet people with your same interests.

Three Main Types of Hair Extensions - Hair Salon Orange Park FL

There are many types of hair extensions in the market today but let us focus on three of the main types of methods used today which are the most popular.

Strand by strand hair extensions: With this extension technique small strands of extension hair are attached one by one to small sections of your own hair by either weaving in, gluing, heat fusing, clamping with metal tubes or using waxes and polymers. Normal wear time is 4 months but if your hair is finer 3 might be the maximum. If your hair grows slower you could wear them for up to 6 months, but any thing past that and youвre risking damage to your hair.

A weft is a track of several inches long on which the hair is already attached (a curtain of hair attached together at the top and free flowing at the bottom). A weft can be made by a machine or by hand. Handmade wefts are better, they are custom made to suit your head and match your hair. The extensions are then applied by using one row (track) at the time instead of strand by strand.

Clip On hair Extensions As the name already revealed, you can clip these extensions into your own hair whenever you want it and take it out at night before you go to sleep.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weight Loss Surgery in Georgia

Obesity is a serious disease вЂ" a disease in which the suffererвs body weight becomes far in excess of a healthy norm. It is epidemic on Georgia. Almost 63% of the population of the Peach State is overweight or obese. And obesity costs, in both money and lives: those with obesity may experience other life-threatening illnesses (co-morbidities), such Type II diabetes, cancer, heart conditions, and high blood pressure. Annual medical expenditures attributable to obesity cost us Georgians approximately $2.1 billion per year.

Obesity is more than a problem in Georgia. Itвs a public health crisis.

The Weight Wars

Healthy weight is calculated in terms of individual body mass index (BMI), which is a measure of body fat in adult men and women based on height and weight. Those with a BMI of at least 25 are considered overweight; those with a BMI of 30 or above are considered obese.

Gimmicks like fad diets, infomercial exercise programs, and so-called weight-loss pills are no solution. Some lose weight by these means, true, but most regain it later. Others lose no weight no matter what they do вЂ" and wreck their health in the process. But weight loss is not enough. Obesity is a disease. The excess weight is only a symptom. To cure the disease, we must change our relationship with food entirely.

The only mechanism for weight loss is cutting caloric intake. Some can reduce their food intake by willpower alone; others need a supervised medical diet program to put them of the right path. And for those for whom neither of these is a solution, another option exists: weight loss surgery.

The Surgical Option

Surgical weight loss вЂ" also known as bariatric surgery -- has been proven effective in treating obesity-related health problems for individuals with a BMI of 35 or higher with related co-morbidities. It can also help those who are obese but have no co-morbidities to reach their ideal weight and lessen their chances of developing health problems related to obesity in the future. Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia, usually laparoscopically, and works by surgically altering the patientвs stomach and/or bowel to physically limit the amount of food the patient can eat. When the patientвs daily caloric intake drops below the number of calories their body needs to operate each day, the weight starts to come off. As with all forms of surgery, weight loss surgery presents the patient with a risk of major postoperative complications, including infection, anemia and other nutritional deficiencies, ulcers, and gallstones.

Considering Surgical Weight Loss

Weight loss surgery only makes sense as a treatment option when it combined with a healthy lifestyle. Weight loss surgery patients who fail to adopt healthier eating and activity habits, or who refuse to follow postoperative instructions from their surgeon, may regain any weight lost or suffer other negative health effects.

All surgical procedures expose the patient to some degree of risk, including the risk of serious complications. The outcome of any particular case cannot be known with certainty in advance. Patients should make any decision regarding surgery in consultation with their physician.

Many physicians believe that obesity is the most serious health threat facing the population of Georgia. But we can beat obesity вЂ" if we all pull together.

Weight Loss Surgery in Florida

Florida is facing a public health crisis: the crisis of obesity. Obesity, a disease in which a personвs weight becomes significantly above the norm, is on the rise in Florida. In fact, almost 60% of the population of the Sunshine State is overweight or obese. And the crisis extends to our children as well. According to a 2007 study by the Trust for America's Health, 14.4% of our stateвs youth ages 10 to 17 are overweight or obese, with a rank of 21 out of the fifty states.

Obesity is a serious disease -- the second most common cause of preventable death in the United States. Besides its obvious lifestyle drawbacks, it may lead to life-threatening illnesses called co-morbidities, such as Type II diabetes, cancer, heart conditions, and hypertension.
We Floridians must rise to the challenge of obesity. But how?

Getting Fit

Beating obesity is not simply a matter of losing weight. Thatвs easy. The human body requires a certain number of calories each day simply to stay alive. If the number of calories consumed in a day is less than this, the body burns fat to provide the necessary metabolic energy вЂ" and weight is lost.

The difficulty comes in restricting caloric intake safely and over the long term. Fad diets and weight-loss pills can cause a person to lose pounds, but most quickly regain the weight вЂ" and often suffer damage to their health as a result. Such “cures” treat the symptom of obesity вЂ" visible excess weight вЂ" not the disease itself. The only way to successfully treat the disease of obesity is by a complete change in the patientвs lifestyle and eating habits.

Many obesity sufferers use eating as a substitute for emotional needs. Others are food addicts, plagued by an urge to eat even when not hungry. Sadly, many people who do not suffer from obesity see these behaviors as indicators of personal weakness on the part of the obese.

We can beat obesity here in Florida. If we eat better food and less of it, and couple this dietary change with a more active lifestyle, we can lose the excess poundage. For those whose obesity is beyond the reach of lifestyle changes, weight loss surgery is there to help.

About Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is performed under general anesthesia; usually laparoscopically. Its purpose is to surgically alter the patientвs stomach and/or digestive tract in order to physically limit the amount of food the patient can eat at a given time. If successful, the surgical alterations will cause the patient to take in fewer calories each day than he or she burns, resulting in steady, safe loss of excess weight. But weight loss surgery is only a treatment for obesity; a complete change in the patientвs relationship to food is the only real cure. Failure to follow postoperative instructions may regain any weight lost. It is also important to carefully assess the risks and possible outcomes of weight loss surgery with your physician prior to making a decision.

To defeat obesity, Floridians must redefine our current relationship to eating. With willpower, medical care, and counseling -- and, as a last resort, weight loss surgery вЂ" we can do this.

Weight Loss Surgery in Delaware

Obesity -- the condition of being significantly above oneвs healthy weight -- is a health crisis in Delaware. Across our state, the number of overweight and obese individuals is rapidly increasing. In fact, almost 64% of the population of the First State is overweight or obese. Unsurprisingly, Delawareвs obesity rate tracks closely with its rate of physical inactivity: 59% of adults in Delaware say they do not exercise or engage in any type of regular physical activity.

Obesity is the second most common cause of preventable death in the United States, and may lead to life-threatening illnessesвЂ"such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertensionвЂ"which are called co-morbidities. (In fact, 27.7% of all residents of Delaware suffer from high blood pressure.)

Getting Fit

Obesity can be one of the most difficult diseases to treat. Weight loss itself is a simple matter: once a personвs daily caloric intake falls below the number of calories needed to maintain life, the body begins to burn fat to stay alive, resulting in weight loss. The difficulty comes in restricting caloric intake вЂ" the primal urge to eat when hungry is almost irresistible.

Many obesity sufferers use eating as a substitute for emotional satisfaction. Others are food addicts and will continue to eat long after they have met their caloric needs. In essence, their “fullness meter” is broken. Sadly, many people who do not suffer from obesity see these behaviors as indicators of personal weakness on the part of the obese.

The truth, however, is that obesity is a disease, not a character flaw. Gimmicks, fad diets, or so-called weight-loss pills can cause a person to lose significant weight, but most that do quickly regain it вЂ" and often suffer damage to their health as a result of such quickie “cures”. The only way to successfully treat the disease of obesity is by a complete change in the patientвs lifestyle and eating habits. To beat obesity we must change the way we relate to food, enabling us to eat better food and less of it. For some, education and willpower are enough to accomplish this. For the rest, another option exists: weight loss surgery.

About Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is performed under general anesthesia, usually laparoscopically. Three main types of surgical procedure are performed in the U.S.вЂ"malabsorptive, restrictive, and combinationвЂ"each with different risks and benefits. In each, however, the principle is the same: to surgically alter the patientвs stomach and/or digestive tract in order to physically limit the amount of food the patient can eat at a given time. If successful, the surgical alterations will cause the patient to take in fewer calories each day than he or she burns, resulting in steady, safe loss of excess weight.

However, excess weight is only a symptom of obesity, and, while treating it is a giant step toward recovery, only a complete change in the patientвs lifestyle and relationship to food can cure the disease. Patients who fail to follow postoperative instructions may regain any weight lost. The surgical alterations are a powerful tool, but they can only be part of a comprehensive program of weight loss treatment, including counseling, medical and peer support, activity level changes, and (if necessary) psychiatric care.

Delaware can beat obesity. By educating ourselves, supporting one another, and using weight loss surgery when necessary, we can make our state healthier, happier, and a better place in which to live.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

From the Prophets to Jesus Christ - What Does It All Really Mean?

The kingdoms of Israel and Judah went through some very painful and agonizing times in their history. More than ever, prophets began to predict the coming of a Savior and King who God would send to HIS people. The leaders of Israel and Judah also began to depict the coming of a Redeemer who would not only save people from their sins; but, also provide the everlasting hope and the righteousness of God. As the years and centuries passed, messianic hope spread and became stronger than ever. In about 536 B.C., Cyrus the Persian gave people the right to return from Babylonian captivity to return to Judah and build their holy temple in Jerusalem. In doing this, the remnants of captivity returned under Zerubbabel, who was the political leader. Joshua was the priestly leader, Ezra was the scribe, and Nehemiah was the prime minister at the court of Shushan, the capital of Persia. This remnant was holy and sought to restore two things. First, worship of the true God in Jerusalem. Second, recreate the political life in Judah which was encouraged by three messengers and prophets of God: Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. These were three great restoration prophets and Zechariah was the greatest by far. Zechariah spoke in detail about Israel, the end of time, and about the conversions of the people who loved the Lord. The last prophet was Malachi who delivered his message during the 25 year period between 450 B.C. and 425 B.C. The long 400 year period between the end of the Old Testament and the start of the New Testament marked a significant rise in the Hellenistic Empire. During the length period, God used Alexander the Great to spread one culture and language through the world. This action provided the basis for people to here the preaching of Christ, everywhere. The Roman Empire and all of its dominance and ugliness also arose during this inter-biblical period. Rome literally had the entire world in her hand under the leadership of Augustus Caesar as Emperor, as great prophesies came to pass. These prophesies came from Isaiah, Micah, Nathan to David, Jacob to his son Judah, and the great promise God made to Eve in the Garden of Eden. The seed progeny of the woman through the seed of Abraham, all the families of the earth were not only blessed but our Savior (Jesus Christ) was born into the world. Jesus came to redeem the world from the fallen estate. Come and join me in the next article which continues with Christ's teaching and the preaching of Paul. May the God of Peace bless and watch over you always! Live and be the example that God "knows you can be!"


Chicago Wedding and Corporate Event Planning

A planner refers to a person that plans each and every aspect of your wedding and corporate event. The success of an event whether wedding or any corporate meeting or seminar depends upon the competency of the planner. No doubt, marriages are made in heaven but a professional wedding planner recreate the aura of heavenly experience on earth and fascinate your guest with their exceptional service. They manage the overall wedding event and ensure that everything goes exactly as planned right from the initial stage to the closing stage. They will not only assist you in making right selection and choose the perfect wedding vendors and venue but also maintain a balance in what is happening, when it is happening, who is doing it while keeping a strict watch that everything goes within budget. But you don't need to worry as both the wedding and corporate event planner is supposed to work under your supervision. Effective communication between you and the planner is quite essential to make the event successful. Just tell him plainly your taste, preferences and desires and it is his responsibility to make arrangements accordingly. Make sure to follow their work and always remember that you are the one who will pay the cash therefore, your decision will always be final and binding. Wedding is certainly once in a lifetime affair while corporate events strengthen your business and motivate your employees! Therefore you must choose a reliable planner. The planner should be competent and skilled enough to implement your ideas and understand your needs and objectives. Discuss the plan with him and analyze the aspects of the event will they cover and how much say so are you going to have in the planning? You should feel comfortable with them as you will be spending considerable amount of time with them. Planning an event whether corporate or wedding can be a great deal of fun, but there are often several hectic times as well. A professional planner can go a long way in making your event memorable and mesmerizing.

Samaya Events, an events planning company capable of managing events across the U.S. Your wedding event will be a one-of-a-kind memory as we attend to the details and add our creative touches.

Outdoor Furniture for Garden Decoration

Who does not love to rest and unwind in a quiet and calm place at the end of a tiring day. On another note, won't it be great to stop by in a green, clean and tidy place before you start your day? You don't have to go out to find such a place on this earth. Just open the door and look at your garden. Some thoughtful modifications can help you transform your garden into a place of peacefulness and tranquility. Garden Decoration So do not neglect your garden any more. Home gardens are great places to rest or to spend fun filled moments with family members and guests. Do whatever you can to make your garden beautiful. Then, not only people, but birds will be attracted to it and you will get the chance to watch their dainty movements and listen to their songs. Plant seasonal trees, buy some planters that go well with the exterior of your home, install a patio awning, set a fountain up at the center of your garden, put in a swing seat at a convenient location, bring in bird feeders, bird houses and bird baths, set up an wildlife pond, install suitable fencing and finally buy garden lights to make the entire place well-lit in the night. Next comes garden furniture. You will always want to sit and rest in your garden. Many people like to have their breakfast on the lawn in the summer. Many arrange evening parties in their gardens. So you need garden chairs, tables and benches. to complete your garden decoration. Outdoor Furniture – Aluminium Garden Furniture Outdoor furniture is crafted in a different way than indoor pieces. Chairs, dining tables, benches, stools and benches are made to different specifications and styles when they are going to be placed outdoors. Your drawing room furniture set just does not fit in your garden. Bespoke outdoor furniture specifically made for gardens should be used. Garden furniture can often stay outdoors day and night round the year. Some people don't put a cover on garden furniture, hence it should not rust or rot. Professional outdoor furniture makers craft the items in such a way so that it lasts and sustains the look as well. Aluminium garden furniture is a good option preferred by a lot of people for low maintenance metal furniture. Outdoor furniture made of aluminium does not rust; you can keep it uncovered throughout the year putting little or no effort into maintenance. 2 to 8 seater sets, traditional garden benches, dining tables and chairs are all available in an aluminium option. Money invested in aluminium garden furniture is a wise investment. Before purchasing aluminium garden furniture set, measure your garden or patio space so that the furniture supplier can help you find the right set of outdoor furniture for your garden.

Humphrey Robert is a writer and online researcher. For more information on outdoor furniture and aluminium garden furniture, he recommends you visit: http://www.gardencast.co.uk/

How to save your computer safe from malwares

As more and more people are becoming at ease using their computers at school, home or in the office it's merely a matter of time before they come upon a computer virus. Here are our top instructions to defend you from computer viruses. Use a high quality anti-virus program. There are many diverse anti-virus computers programs on the market some of them are better than others. Look to reliable computer magazines or websites for ratings to help you get the one that matches your needs. Always use your anti-virus software. Keep your antivirus programs up to date. Most programs come with a yearly payment make sure you take advantage of the updates. More superior programs let you to schedule updates or complete system scans for "off hours" like 2AM when you aren't likely to be using your computer. Keep your computer up to date. From time to time operating systems fall prey to security holes or issue updates. Make sure you check periodically to make sure you are running secure latest versions of your software. If you use floppy disks or USB drives on public computers like your school computer lab, Kinko's, or even digital photo printing store make sure you scan them for viruses. Public computers are notorious for not being up to date and properly protected. Be wary of email attachments. Never open attachments from people you weren't expecting. Also be careful of attachments from people you know but weren't expecting. Many computer viruses replicate themselves by reading the contacts from an infected computer. Use text email if possible. Use downloaded freeware and shareware files or software with caution. Try to download them from popular reputable sources that scan the programs before they are uploaded. To make sure you are safe scan the program before you install it on your computer. Be wary of links in IM or instant messaging software. Don't accept invitations from people you don't know and never click a link from someone you don't trust, they can easily redirect you to another website that will try to install a virus on your computer system.

Reviews of the exceptional digital products available today are all on the review site, Review Clicker. You can find more review on everything you could ever need at www.reviewclicker.com.. Visit How to keep your computer safe from viruses.

Relax Under Blue Skies of Kahana on Maui

Let's see--is there absolutely any time when it wouldn't feel good to relax under blue skies in temperate weather with the sun shining down on you and ocean breezes washing over you? Actually, that sounds pretty good anytime. So any time you're ready to plan the perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, check into a vacation in Kahana, Hawaii. The best way to start that planning is by checking out Rentalo.com. We offer a number of Kahana vacation rentals, so you can find whichever Kahana lodging fits your needs. Located on west coast of Maui Island, Kahana benefits from the perfect climate and perfect location. Any time of year is a good time to visit, since the air temperature hovers around 75 degrees Fahrenheit year round. Tucked away on the pristine Keoniniu Bay, Kahana isn't too far from the bustling town of Lahaina, but has not been discovered yet by many lucky tourists. Visitors appreciate the ocean water temperature of 72 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the perfect vacation spot. Its curving coastline along the protected bay offers uncrowded sandy beaches perfect to lounge on as you await another spectacular sunset. And your perfect vacation begins by choosing your Kahana lodging from among the Kahana vacation rentals at Rentalo.com. We have Kahana hotels, condos and homes for you to peruse. Choose the one that's right for you, and start planning your heavenly vacation. The ocean will call to you during your stay here. The safe and gentle conditions are perfect for windsurfers. Numerous other water sports area available as well. Kayaking and kite-surfing are popular choices for all levels from novice to expert. You can feel confident on the gentle ocean waves and get up close and personal with some of the native aquatic life. Choose from among our Kahana hotels near the water or find an oceanfront Kahana condo, and you'll be ready to step right out onto the sand. The beach is wonderfully maintained and not at all crowded. The warm ocean waters around Maui mean that water activities can be enjoyed all year. You will truly enjoy a snorkeling experience if you try it in Kahana. Scuba diving is a popular option as well. Perhaps while you're out in the water, you'll be treated to the sight of dolphins frolicking in their natural habitat, drawn to the protection of the bay. Maui is home to three different types of dolphins. If you should unexpectedly grow weary of day after wonderful day by the waters of the Pacific, you will find that all of Maui's western coast is easily accessible by car. Or maybe you'd like to spend a day hiking or biking through the lush tropical flora found throughout the island. However you spend you days, you'll want to spend your nights in comfortable Kahana lodging. And the most premier selection can be found with us. Since any time is a good time to visit Maui, stop by Rentalo.com when you're ready for your next vacation. Our listing of Kahana vacation rentals is sure to offer Kahana lodging that will meet your needs. If you seek Kahana hotels based upon their location, or a Kahana condo or home that will accommodate groups of different sizes, you can easily find what you seek right here.

For more resources regarding Kahana vacation rentals, please visit this page. You will find villas, beachside vacation homes and other types of accommodations that will fulfill your tropical Hawaii vacation. . Visit Relax Under Blue Skies of Kahana on Maui.

Finding Good Investments with Homes for Rent

Deciding to live a life as a home rental proprietor can be a lucrative and fulfilling business for investors and people seeking for a source of income after they retire. Investments in home and apartment rentals are fast gaining popularity as a big inventory of foreclosed properties have flooded the market. Homes, apartment buildings and condominiums that are bank-owned are unloaded into the home sales markets and are sold at incredibly low prices, making them attractive for investors. However, finding the perfect property would entail several considerations and would take time and effort in doing extensive research and exploring networks and other avenues. The first consideration that a would-be landlord should make before investing in homes for rent is to decide how long he is planning to be in this business. If he is planning to invest in rental homes and apartments for the long haul, maybe 20 years or more, then he should be ready to invest in future repairs and maintenance work with his property. Investors that are planning to be in this business for five years and then sell the property should avoid making major improvements or repairs within that five-year period. However, with the current real estate crisis, a short-term investment is not advisable as property values are not expected to appreciate much within the next couple of years. When one is in the property management business, finding properties to invest as homes for rent would be easy with a reliable network of people in the business. It would be wise to join a property owners association or make reliable contacts with realtors and bank employees. Attending investor meetings and networking with other landlords in the business can give an investor several reliable leads to invest, or they can offer the investments themselves when they decide to sell their properties. Being on the first of their lists will definitely be beneficial to the investor. The last consideration would be on establishing good credit records and having a substantial cash reserve would be very important when one is venturing into this business.

Chris Murdock has been educating home buyers and families on the finer points of the homes for rent market for over five years as a real estate consultant at HomesforRentNet.com. Click here to visit and read more advices through great home rental articles.. Visit Finding Good Investments with Homes for Rent.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Could the Rash Under My Breast Be?

QUESTION: I have a terrible rash under my breast.
What can it be? How should it be treated?

ANSWER: Your rash may be a common condition that is the result of a fungal infection.
Don't be alarmed; most fungal infections are mild but hard to get rid of.
You should see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and obtain an effective prescription cream to apply to the red, itchy area.
You will have to apply the cream for two to three weeks, and keep applying it for about seven days after all symptoms disappear.
Because your rash is in a particularly bad spot (where there is chafing of skin against skin), you should be careful to keep the area cool and dry.
Moisture tends to delay healing and actually promotes "opportunistic" fungi.
Make sure your bra is 100% cotton, and if it is possible, forego wearing it for now.
Your sore breast needs air, air, and more air to be cleared up.
You might use a mild talcum powder on the area as well.
It will also help to absorb the perspiration and the resulting moisture which can work against you.
Once you have had your prescription medication, you will have to use it three to four times daily.
This method may seen inconvenient but these annoying conditions can only be controlled by persistent and regular treatments.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.

World Leaders Boost for Holiday Isle

Leaders of over 50 countries from the Commonwealth will be meeting on the Mediterranean island of Malta from November 25 to 27, and for three days the island will be enjoying the attention of hundreds of millions of TV and online news viewers and newspaper readers worldwide.

Malta has often been overlooked by holidaymakers and second home owners in favour of other Mediterranean islands such as Mallorca, Cyprus and Menorca, and hotels and estate agents alike on the island are hoping that the three days of publicity will boost tourist and property buyer numbers for 2006.

With good all year round weather and an English speaking population visitor numbers from the UK, which make up about half of the island's tourist numbers, have been surprisingly flat in recent years, and with cheaper holidays available in the new destinations from Eastern Europe such as Bulgaria set to capture more of the UK holiday and property market Malta could see tourist numbers remain level or even fall in future years.

Malta Holidays

Malta missed it's own target of a modest increase in tourists this summer, and there are worries on the island that the opportunity to increase awareness among potential visitors will be missed.

Michael Johnson of Tribune Properties who specialise in property for sale in Malta comments:

'Malta is ideally situated in the Mediterranean to attract tourists from all over Europe and further afield but for a lot of people I speak to in other countries it isn't an obvious destination of choice.

The island has a strong domestic property market and doesn't rely too heavily on overseas property buyers like some of the Mediterranean islands do, but at the same time those that do buy here play a good role in the economy overall.

The timing of the Commonwealth meeting is good as it's just before the New Year when a lot of people decide where they will be going for their summer holidays, and next summer's tourist could be next winter's property buyer. But they're only going to do that if they visit the island first, and I'm hoping that Malta will see an increase in tourists in 2006 – it really depends on whether the island takes this chance to market itself in the months ahead on the back of the free publicity the Commonwealth will bring..'

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting takes place very two years, and has its roots in the British Empire, with 53 members who were former British colonies belonging to the organisation.

Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Commonwealth, and will be visiting with Prince Philip for a two day trip to Malta to open the meeting on November 25 in Valletta, the island's capital. It will be the royal couple's first visit to Malta since 1992, and welcoming crowds are expected in similar numbers to their previous four visits.

In addition to the Queen and Prince Philip, among the attendees will be the United Kingdom's Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the Prime Ministers of Canada, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Singapore and Australia.

'Around half of Malta's tourists are from the UK' adds Michael Johnson, 'and it's a similar figure for non islanders buying property here. As well as increasing holidaymaker numbers from the traditional UK market we should be trying to appeal to people in Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand and other countries who take a holiday in Europe to consider visiting Malta for a few days to sample the fine hotels, hospitality, history and culture that the island is so rich in. But it remains to be seen whether the tourist board is capable of translating good free publicity into visitors for the island.'

About the Author: For a guide to the island, including hotels in Malta, holidays, self catering holiday villas and apartments, flights, the weather, car hire and details of Malta's main towns of Valletta, St Julian's, Sliema, Mellieha, St Paul's Bay, Qawra and Bugibba visit

To request details of current property and real estate for sale in Malta visit

For flights and holidays in Malta visit Malta holidays

Is Bariatric Surgery The Answer To Obesity?


Against a background of widespread obesity among all US age-groups, and the relative failure of conventional weight loss methods, doctors are increasingly resorting to gastrointestinal surgery in order to curb the rise of weight-related disease, and associated costs. An estimated 170,000 weight loss surgeries will be performed in 2005, and although the average bariatric surgery patient is a woman in her late 30s who weighs approximately 300 pounds, operations such as vertical banded gastroplasty and roux-en-Y bypass are now being successfully conducted on patients as young as 13 years.

But Does Bariatric Surgery Work?

While the increasing popularity of obesity surgery is a clear reflection of the inability of most obese patients to comply with conventional dietary treatments, the question remains: does this type of surgical treatment offer an effective solution for severe clinical obesity? To understand the issues raised by this question, let us examine the problem of obesity and how surgery attempts to reduce it.

How Widespread is Obesity?

According to current statistics, 61.3 million American adults (30.5 percent) are obese. In addition, an estimated 10-15 percent of children (ages 6?11) and 15 percent of teenagers are overweight and at risk of developing weight-related disorders. Severe obesity is also on the rise. Six million American adults are morbidly obese (BMI 40+), while another 9.6 million have a BMI of 35-40. (Source: US Census 2000; NHANES III data estimates)

How Does Obesity Affect Health?

Excess body fat associated with high body mass index (BMI) carries an increased risk of premature death. Obese patients (BMI 30+) have a 50-100 percent increased risk of death from all causes, compared with individuals of normal weight (BMI 20?25). Morbid obesity (BMI 40+) and super-obesity (BMI 50+) carries a still higher risk of dying younger. Most of the increased risk is due to co-morbid conditions like cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke). The effects of severe obesity on longevity are dramatic. Obese white males between 20 and 30 years old (BMI > 45) can shorten their life expectancy by 13 years. African-American men of similar age and BMI can lose up to 20 years of life. Obese white females between 20 and 30 years old (BMI > 45) can shorten their life expectancy by 8 years. African-American women of similar age and BMI can lose up to 5 years of life.

Research Into Obesity and Premature Death

A 12-year study of 330,000 obese men and 420,000 obese women, revealed that premature mortality rates for morbidly obese men were twice the normal: 500 percent higher for diabetics and 400 percent higher for those with digestive tract disease. In severely obese women, the mortality was also increased two fold, while in female diabetics the mortality risk increased eight fold and three fold in those with digestive tract disease. Another study of 200 men aged 23-70 years with severe clinical obesity, showed a 1200 percent increase in mortality in the 25-34 year age group and a 600 percent increase in the 35-44 year age group. Average cancer mortality rates are 150-500 percent higher in obese patients.

Other Obesity-Related Diseases

Aside from premature death, obesity is strongly associated with a wide range of health disorders. 80 percent of patients with type 2 diabetes are obese, while almost 70 percent of diagnosed heart disease is obesity-related. Other obesity-related disorders include: high blood pressure, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, gallstones, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), insulin resistance, low back pain, obstructive sleep apnea, musculoskeletal complaints and osteoarthritis, respiratory problems, stroke, and vein disorders.

Why is Surgical Treatment is Needed?

As the facts demonstrate, obesity is an independent risk factor for a number of serious diseases. Severe obesity, if left untreated, leads to life-threatening disorders and possible premature death. It is against this background that the viability of bariatric surgery should be assessed. Three key questions are: (1) Does bariatric surgery lead to a significant loss of weight? (2) What are the health benefits of surgery? (3) What are health risks?

Does Bariatric Surgery Lead To A Significant Loss of Weight?

Yes. According to most patient-surveys the health and weight reduction benefits of bariatric surgery exceed all other treatment methods by a wide margin. Weight loss surgery is considered successful when excess weight is reduced by 50 percent and the weight loss is sustained for five years. At present, average excess weight reduction at five years is 45-75 percent after gastric bypass and 40-60 percent after vertical banded gastroplasty. In a statistical review of over 600 bariatric patients following gastric bypass, with 96 percent follow-up, mean excess weight loss still exceeded 50 percent of initial excess weight at fourteen years. Another 10 year follow-up study from the University of Virginia reports weight reduction of 60 percent of excess weight at 5 years and in the mid 50's between years 6 and 10. A significant percentage of less-committed patients do regain weight 2-5 years after having surgery, especially those who undergo the less drastic stomach banding procedure, but if the patient is well motivated and given proper post-operative support, the weight loss is usually permanent. By comparison, according to one 4-year study of non-surgical weight loss programs involving obesity medication, behavior modification, diet and exercise, average weight reduction was 3 pounds in those subjects who were followed for the four years of the study.

What Are The Health Benefits of Surgery?

According to the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO), weight reduction caused by gastric reduction surgery improves longevity and reduces rates of premature death. In addition, hypertension is cured in about 50 percent of patients, while measurements of cholesterol and other blood fats show visible improvements, all leading to a reduction in the risk of heart disease. Type 2 diabetes is cured in 80 percent of diabetic patients while hyperglycemia and associated conditions such as hyperinsulimia and insulin resistance are even more likely to benefit from gastric bypass. Obstructive sleep apnea is cured in about 75 percent of patients, shortness of breath is relieved in 75-80 percent of cases, while asthma attacks are significantly reduced, particularly when associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Obesity surgery also relieves low back pain and arthritis, heartburn, urinary incontinence, and lower limb venous disorders.

What Are The Health Risks?

Generally speaking, the health complications of bariatric surgery divide into three classes. First, during the operation itself, patients are subject to the normal health dangers of any serious surgical procedure. Risk factors include: patient condition, the expertise of the bariatric surgeon and anesthesiologist and the quality of operating room services. Premature death occurs in about 1-2.5 percent of bariatric cases. Second, there are well-documented post-operative health risks, which largely depend on the type of procedure performed.

Post-Operative Health Problems of Gastric Banding

Restrictive procedures like gastric-banding and stomach stapling carry a number of short-term post-operative health risks, including: (1) Risk of hernia. About 10-20 percent of patients require additional surgery to fix problems like abdominal hernias caused by excessive straining after surgery before the incision heals. Laparoscopic surgery reduces this risk. (2) Risk of blood clots. About 1 percent of patients contract blood clots in the legs. (3) Risk of infection. On average, there is a 5 percent risk of infection in the incision area. (4) Risk of gastric staple breakage. This occurs in bariatric operations like vertical banded gastroplasty, that use staples to reduce stomach size. (5) Risk of band slippage and saline leakage. A routine complication, this occurs after lap band or other forms of adjustable gastric banding. (6) Risk of bowel obstruction. This rare complication may occur due to adhesions caused by scar tissue. (7) Risk of stomal stenosis and marginal ulcers.

Post-Operative Health Problems of Gastric Bypass

Post-operative health dangers of bypass procedures like roux-en-y or biliopancreatic diversion include: (1) Corrective operations. About 15-20 percent of bypass patients require follow-up gastrointestinal operations to correct complications (eg. hernias). These follow-up operations tend to carry higher risk of complication and death. (2) Dumping Syndrome. Caused by overeating or over-rapid eating, dumping, is not a real health danger, but symptoms (nausea, faintness, sweating and diarrhea) can be distressing. (3) Risk of nutritional deficiency. Since stomach bypass surgery involves bypassing the duodenum and part/all of the jejunum, causing insufficient absorption of vitamins and minerals, patients can develop deficiencies in nutrients like: iron, calcium, vitamin D and B12 deficiency. This can be easily corrected by a program of nutritional supplementation. (4) Risk of gallstones. About one-third of bypass patients develop gallstones. (5) Bowel Disorders. After all bypass operations, there is a period of intestinal adaptation during which bowel movements can be liquid and frequent. Typically accompanied by bloating, gas and foul smelling stools, this complaint may reduce with time, but occasionally becomes a permanent condition.

Bariatric Surgery is No Easy Answer To Obesity

Even though surgical methods are becoming more and more successful for the reduction of severe obesity, it would be misleading to present surgery as an easy option. To begin with, its success depends entirely on patient compliance with post-operative guidelines. And pressures to overeat do not disappear after surgery. If patients adhere to instructions, they tend to lose weight without regain. If they "cheat", they tend to regain most of their weight loss and may end up in a worse condition than before. Second, due to cost and availability issues, bariatric surgery can only ever treat a tiny percentage of the population who are severely obese. Third, we lack long term feedback on the success of these operations. For these reasons, it seems that bariatric surgery is no easy solution to our obesity epidemic.

More Information

Bariatric Surgery

Gastric Bypass

About the Author: David Johnson, LLb., is the senior researcher at www.bariatric-surgery.info which offers a range of information about gastric banding, stomach bypass and other weight-related surgeries to more than 2 million unique visitors per year.

Things to consider when building a house

It is everyone's dream to own their own home. For most people, purchasing a home is likely the biggest single investment they will make in their lifetime. With new housing starts at an all-time high, it may be time for you to consider getting into the market. If you are looking for a home that is different from every other house on your street, you should consider building your own house.

There are a number of things to keep in mind when considering a new home. The first thing to look at is your financial status. Can you really afford your new house? Take some time and do a proper budget, and meet with a financial adviser. Your adviser will help you evaluate the maximum amount of money you can afford to spend each month. Be sure to allow for some flexibility, as there are likely unexpected expenses on the horizon.

The next step is to properly identify the needs of your family. Make a list of your needs, and a secondary list of your wants. Once you have decided on the elements you want included in your new home, it is time to locate a good piece of property. Do you want to live in the city or in the country? In a newer neighborhood or an older, established one? Take your time and shop around. Don't feel pressured to buy right away. You will be much happier in the end, if you purchase a property that your family will love.

Once you have secured a parcel of land, it is time to decide on a house plan. Most respectable building contractors will want to see a detailed plan. These plans can be prepared through an architectural firm, or they can be purchased through various building centers and websites. Your local government will likely require a copy of your house plans before they will provide you with the proper permits and authorizations. Upon receiving your building permit, you should hire a building inspector to ensure that your home complies with all of the laws and regulations in your region. Your building inspector can be a very valuable resource during the construction of your new home.

Be sure to have proper insurance in place before you break ground. It would be an awful shame to have your project held up due to an injury on the job site. You might want to hire a construction manager, too. This way you will have somebody in place to oversee the project, and ensure that everything is done as it should be. After the surveying has been completed, you will be ready to begin excavating. At this time, your new home is officially under construction. Don't forget your hardhat.

About the Author: Brandon Langlois is an independent building contractor with over 20 years experience in the construction industry. When he is not busy on the job site, he writes for homeplaninfo.com – an informative website where readers can find and compare home plans online, discover custom plans for a new house, or explore the latest dream houses.

Lightweight Tents - How Light?

Why use lightweight and ultralight tents? Because a heavy tent is one of the biggest obstacles to lightweight backpacking. You have to cut the weight of the "big three" (shelter, backpack and sleeping bag) to really go light. How do you choose one, though? Start by asking yourself the following questions:

1. Are you claustrophobic? Some ultralight tent designs are really just fancy bivy sacks. For those who hate tight squeezes, it will be like sleeping in a coffin.

2. How tall are you? If the length of the tent is only a few inches more than your height, you'll be touching the walls. This probably means getting wet from the condensation on them.

3. What do you do in a tent? If you just sleep, total floor and head space are not important. If you normally play cards with friends for hours, you'll need a design that allows for that.

4. Do you backpack in bad weather often? If all you plan to do is camp on nice summer nights, you can just look at the cheapest lightweight tents, and worry less about quality.

5. How much have you budgetted for a tent? More money equals a lighter tent, but if you can't get it light enough on your budget, you may want to consider going even lighter - and cheaper - with a tarp shelter.

6. Which is more important to you, fast set-up or lightest weight? Hopefully you'll find a tent with the right balance, but keep your preference in mind when shopping.

More About Lightweight Tents

Single-layer tents (without a rain-fly) will usually have more condensation inside. This is true of even those that claim to be waterproof and breathable. It is less of a problem with the newer designs that have a lot of screen/ventilation area, because air circulation is as important as "breathable" material. These materials just don't breath that well anyhow.

Test your tent. It's no fun spending 20 minutes setting up a complicated tent in the rain. Also, it can be worse than inconvenient to tear seams because of a design that stretches everything so tight you have to fight with it. Try the tent in your yard or living room, before you head into the wilderness. That way you can return it if it won't work for you.

There is only one totally enclosed 2-person ultralight tent that I know of under 3 pounds. It's a single layer, but the forward sloping door allows for a large screen area, to keep air-flow at a maximum. This keeps condensation to a minimum.

There are "floorless" tents, which are specially cut tarps which typically use your trekking poles for support. One of the lightest of these is a three-person design that weighs less than 2 pounds. I haven't tried it, but it gets good reviews, and it is in the weight range I like for ultralight tents. You have to bring a groundsheet with this type, so figure that weight into the decision.

Unfortunately, I've discovered the hard way - four tents and counting - that you tend to get what you pay for with lightweight tents. That's one of the reasons I backpack with a tarp.

About the Author: Steve Gillman is a long-time backpacker, and advocate of lightweight backpacking. His advice, stories and tent recommendations can be found at http://www.TheUltralightBackpackingSite.com

Put Your Article On a Diet

Those wonderful green lawns many homeowners care about so much can be made much more healthy if we put them on a diet. Overfeeding causes as many problems with lawns as it does with people. Fat lawns are not healthy lawns. Rather than go on about this problem, let me simply tell you about the research at the University of Guelph.
Researcher Christopher Hallfound there was a way to promote health in the lawn by the frequency of the fertilizer application and the amount of fertilizer applied. According the Hall, fertilizer for lawns should be applied three times per year. One quarter of the fertilizer being applied should be applied in early summer, (not early spring) when the ground warms up and the grass is beginning to really grow. Another quarter is applied in late summer, around the middle of August when the fall rains are promoting growth, and the last half of the fertilizer is applied at the end of November to fatten up the roots for winter survival. This application rate was found to create a much denser turf than applications at other times all species and cultivars of grass. It was particularly effective on perennial rye grass and tall fescues.
The next question is how much food does the lawn need? Chris Hall at Guelph found that the turf did better if only 2 pounds of Nitrogen per 1000 square feet was used over the whole season. From the above paragraph, it can be seen that 1/4 pound is applied in early summer, 1/4 pound in late summer and 1 full pound in late November for the healthiest, thickest lawn.
Overfeeding produces thatch and weakened grass that is susceptible to pests and disease. It is also more costly. So, put your lawn on a diet for a better lawn.

About the Author: Doug Green, an award winning garden author with 7 published books answers gardening questions in his free newsletter at www.beginner-gardening.com