
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Three Main Types of Hair Extensions - Hair Salon Orange Park FL

There are many types of hair extensions in the market today but let us focus on three of the main types of methods used today which are the most popular.

Strand by strand hair extensions: With this extension technique small strands of extension hair are attached one by one to small sections of your own hair by either weaving in, gluing, heat fusing, clamping with metal tubes or using waxes and polymers. Normal wear time is 4 months but if your hair is finer 3 might be the maximum. If your hair grows slower you could wear them for up to 6 months, but any thing past that and youвre risking damage to your hair.

A weft is a track of several inches long on which the hair is already attached (a curtain of hair attached together at the top and free flowing at the bottom). A weft can be made by a machine or by hand. Handmade wefts are better, they are custom made to suit your head and match your hair. The extensions are then applied by using one row (track) at the time instead of strand by strand.

Clip On hair Extensions As the name already revealed, you can clip these extensions into your own hair whenever you want it and take it out at night before you go to sleep.