
Friday, March 27, 2009

What Is the Reason For Bloodshot Eyes?

QUESTION: I know a good night on the town can get me, but what is the reason for blood shot eyes? My wife tells me they can be contagious, but I don't see how that can be possible.
Do I need to see my local doctor or can you help?

ANSWER: There are many reasons for those red eyes, and while lack of sleep is one of them, there are others that are a bit more serious, and may, as your wife has informed you, be contagious.
For eyes irritated by wind or sun, or from specks, or too little rest, an eyewash using artificial tears may be treatment enough (along with the necessary sleep).
Overuse of contact lenses, improper care and cleansing, is also another frequent source of eye irritations.
A few days of rest without lenses may be the answer here. However, if your vision is blurred, you find crusts in your eyelashes, feel pain in your eyes, or see a discharge from under your eyelids, you better be on your way to your physician.
Such signs and symptoms indicate that something is happening that requires attention, and probably medication as well.
Infection of the clear membrane that covers the eye (conjunctivitis) is an infection that spreads to other members of the family quite readily, and you will all have to follow a careful discipline of maintaining separate towels and washcloths and frequent hand washing.
Fortunately, such infections resolve rapidly once the proper antibiotic is prescribed and applied as per directions.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.