Baby Kaylee Vitelli has returned to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
A spokeswoman for the hospital said Kaylee was brought to the hospital Tuesday night by her father, Jason Wallace.
The spokeswoman said the baby, who suffers from Joubert syndrome, a rare malformation of the brain and brain stem that is accompanied by frequently interrupted breathing, would be assessed by doctors at the hospital.
The three-month-old had been admitted earlier this week to Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, Ont., suffering from a high fever.
Kaylee left Sick Kids earlier this month but last Wednesday she was diagnosed with a skin infection which family spokesman J.P. Pampena said had travelled internally.
In April, Kaylee's parents had offered their daughter's heart, if she should die, to another infant in need of a transplant.
But Kaylee recovered and was declared fit enough to be taken to her home in Bradford, Ont., on May 14 via police escort and helicopter.